TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你现在住在哪儿?是小城镇还是大城市?
2. 你喜欢住在那儿吗?为什么?
3. 大城市和小城镇在居住条件上有什么明显的区别?
4. 你理想中适合居住的地方是什么样的?描绘一下。
Owning to the quiet environment and fresh air, somebody think it is better to live in the small town, on the other hand, other people consider big cities are more suitable for them , because there are more job chances, perfect facilities of transport, and what is more important, big cities provide better health care for people. To me, I think it depends. Taking my age into consideration, I will choose big cities in order to get better job. However, when I was old, small towns will be my first chose.  To young adults, I think the most important thing is to find a good job and develop themselves through the job. Big cities provide them such opportunities. For example, duchangxu, who is graduating from qinghua university, forming a group with some of his friends, running a company in zhongguncun.  As to big cities, they gather the best resources of various factors. There is no doubt that children receiver better education in big cities than in small towns. For example, most children studying in Beijing have the opportunities to go to class in new oriental school. Although new oriental school has many branch campuses in other cities, as everybody knows, the greatest teacher resources are in Beijing. In addition, people studying in big cities always have opportunities to participate in great events. For instance, many of my classmates of high school went to be the voluntaries in Olympic Games which was held in Beijing. Attending more activities makes students grow up.  Beside the education, people living in big cities have more chances to get better medical care. As we all knows, the best hospital in our country is in Beijing, and of course, best doctors are also gathering in big hospitals in big cities. For example, in small towns, when someone suffer some serious disease, local medical facility may be not able to detect it at the early stage, and result in delaying the best time to cure the disease. What is more, medical welfare in big cities is better than small town as well.
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