TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:michaelspr
Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你现在住在哪儿?是小城镇还是大城市?
回答: small town
2. 你喜欢住在那儿吗?为什么?
回答: yeah, natural friendly environment and harmonious social situation
3. 大城市和小城镇在居住条件上有什么明显的区别?
回答: less stress and environmal friendness but big cities have more opportunates to succeed has more chance to communicate with outside world can follow the fashion of the present world has more access to novel ideas.
4. 你理想中适合居住的地方是什么样的?描绘一下。
回答: near a beautifu lake, where the grass and trees are growing well and birds are singing in woods and it is quite convient to drive to big cities .
One day my uncle telephoned my father and said that he want to live in our small town, because campared with the big cities he presently live in, our small town are more hamonious and air and water are fresh.
In fact people in increasing number are discussing the advantages of living in small towns and big cities. Many young people think that living in big cities has more opportuates to succeed, however, many senior citizens think living small town are more comfortable. As far as I am concerned , I prefer to live in big cities to chase my dreams when I am young. But when I am old it is quite possible that I will choose to live in small town like my uncle, considering the beauty and hormony of small town.
Firstly, campared with big cities, small town has a less density of population, where the natual environment and social situation are better. Unlike in big cities a crowd of people with a unfriendly face crowding in high builing surrounded streets, in small town , the people you meet in wide streets are always with smiles. that being far way from industry, the air and water in small town are quite good for health.
However, every day there are still many people flocking to big cities
From what has been discussed above, I can make a conclusion that as a passional young man, desipte of the comforty of living in small town--beautiful landscaple, fresh air and son on, I would rather live in big cities to chase my dreams, where more opportuates are provided. However, when I am old and miss hometown, I am free to choose to live in my small town to enjoy fresh water and homonious relationship
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