TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Struggle
【IBT机经-9】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for children to choose the jobs similar to their parents.
1. 请结合实际谈谈孩子们选择适合自己且利于自身发展的工作需要考虑哪些方面?
回答: 自己的兴趣爱好,兴趣是最好的老师,做自己喜欢的事情是一件很幸福的事情。工作是否有挑战,做有挑战的工作才能在工作中提升自己的能力,而不是每天重复相同的简单的工作。
2. 孩子们在选择工作时,是否一定需要考虑自己父母工作的性质和内容,为什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不是一定要考虑。自己和父母生长的环境不同,受教育程度也不同,兴趣爱好也不尽相同,所以不是非得根据父母的喜好来选择自己的工作,应该考虑自己的教育背景和兴趣爱好。比如我认识一个港大的医学教授,他的儿子非常喜欢钢琴,但是在考大学时父母要求他考医学院,最后他学了两年医后还是转了钢琴系,因为他发现他在医学上并没有天赋,而更加热爱钢琴,所以最终选择了自己喜欢的专业。
3. 如果选择和父母类似的工作,是否会有利于孩子的发展,为什么?家长在其中会起到哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 有一定的好处。一是可以从小培养孩子在父母工作方面的兴趣爱好,比如我的父母都是通信工程师,所以从小就带我去过他们工作的机房,见过交换机,这对后来我在通信工程专业的学习起到了很大的帮助,而且我父母的数学也很好,很小就培养我对数学的兴趣,所以我的数学成绩也很好。二是可以利用他们在这个领域的人脉帮助孩子找工作,这对孩子以后的就业也是一种帮助。
4. 请结合实例谈谈选择和父母不同工作的孩子们是不是更不容易成功?
回答: 我并不觉得和父母不同工作的孩子们更不容易成功。众所周知,微软CEO比尔盖茨的父亲是个律师,奥巴马的父母也都不是总统,这些都不阻碍他们的成功。家庭环境对一个人的成功的确很重要,但主要是教会他如何做人,而非一定要和父母从事同样的工作。
5. 请结合具体事例简述,选择和父母相似的工作与否是不是和自身成功有着必然联系?
回答: 有一定的联系,但没有必然的联系。小布什的父亲也是总统,但小布什本身也很优秀,凭借他的才智与勤奋,即便他没有父亲在政治上的帮助成为总统,也会成为一个成功的政治家的,或者从事其他领域的工作成为佼佼者。
Many children have to face the problem whether to choose the same career as their parents when they are deciding their occupations. However, I do not think it is necessary for us to do the same work as our parents to succeed.
We live in a different era and have different level education from our parents. We also have different hobbies. We should choose our work according to rather our own hobbies and the level of education than our parents'. Because enthusiasm is one of the most factor to keep us studying. I acquaint with a professor of medicine from HongKong University, whose son loves playing piano very much but choosed to major in medicine when he attended to university because of his father's career. However, two years later, that young boy ultimately changed his major to pinao after two years' study. Because he found that he did not have talent in medicine and really loved playing piano, which always makes him feel happy. Therefore, he finally choose the major he loves.
I do not think doing different work from parents is harder to succeed neither. As we all known, Bill Gates, the CEO of Microsoft, whose parents was a laywer, while Bill majors in computer science. Barack Obama's parents were not presidents neither. These factors do not prehibt them from success. Although one's family has significant impact on his future, the responsibiliy of the family is to teach them how to behave, not to do the same work as his parents.
Notwithstanding, there are still some advantages to do similar works with parents. It can practice our interest in this field. My parents are both telecommunication engineering. They took me to the office they worked in when I was in childhood, which helps me to study better in communication engineering in my university. They also can help me to find a better job in this field.
We can not deny the relationship between choosing a similar career with parents' and succeess. Father Bush and son Bush were both presidents. However, due to the talent and deligence of son Bush, he would also be a brilliant politician or do well in other fields without the help of his father. So that relationship do exsit, but not inevitable.
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