TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:青绿青蓝
【IBT机经-9】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for children to choose the jobs similar to their parents.
1. 请结合实际谈谈孩子们选择适合自己且利于自身发展的工作需要考虑哪些方面?
回答: 自己的兴趣,自身的能力,自己的期望值。
2. 孩子们在选择工作时,是否一定需要考虑自己父母工作的性质和内容,为什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不一定,可以作为参考,但是还是以自己的主见为主。父母的喜好不一定是孩子的喜好。
3. 如果选择和父母类似的工作,是否会有利于孩子的发展,为什么?家长在其中会起到哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 可能会,因为有父母的经验和人脉。并在家里潜移默化,收到熏陶。 Peter walker,他的儿子也做了风景园林设计师,在北京有自己的studio,并在北京的园博会上有所展现。
4. 请结合实例谈谈选择和父母不同工作的孩子们是不是更不容易成功?
回答: 不会。neither bill gates or steven jobs do the same jobs as their parents
5. 请结合具体事例简述,选择和父母相似的工作与否是不是和自身成功有着必然联系?
回答: 没有。buffett并非炒股出生invest in stocks。gates其父母也不是programming。
parents always pay so much attention to their children, including their own life, career, and so on. a lot of parents intend to let their children choose the job similar with theirs for they have already got enough information and have rich experience in this domain.but actually i do not think that is a good idea.first i'd like to indicate that our parents and ourselves live in the different environments, we do not share the same period, which makes it different for us to deal with the same things. as for my parents, when they were young, the most essential issue is to build our country better. at that time, they need to do a lot of construction in order to meet the basic need of people. while when i grow up, our life style has been improved into a higher level, and lots of people tend to pursue the spiritual enjoyment, which offers different kind of jobs for us, such as landscape design.and then,we all know that different have different ability and can do well with the different things. since we skill in different fields, we have no reason to have the same job. that will fade our gift.nobody want that happen.we acknowledge that parents have much more experience than our own and surely can do some help to our career if we share the same career with them. but we are the adult,which means we should be responsible for ourselves and make choice by our own. that is the basic capacity for us when we come to my opinion is just follow your heart and do analyze compenhensively to choose our own job.
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