TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:nothing123
【IBT机经-22】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
1. 结合实际,请简述你是如何理解责任感的。
回答: 说到做到,做好自己应该做的事情,承担自己所做的事情的后果。
2. 责任感对人们的工作生活有什么影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 对他人没有责任感,人们之间就无法相互信任;对自己没有责任感,那么前途会是一片黑暗。
3. 孩子的心理特征有哪些呢?你觉得是否有必要让孩子了解责任感呢?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 天真,不成熟,对自己所做的事情的带来的后果不了解。有必要。
4. 照料小动物需要做些什么呢?它和责任感有什么必然联系吗?孩子能否胜任这项任务呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 喂食,清理;有一定联系,孩子的责任感会带来小动物的健康成长。有些难度,因为一些特殊情况很难解决,如养猫,不小心被抓了挠了不仅可能会感染疾病,而且有可能会给孩子带来对小动物的抵触情绪,使他们少了些爱心。
5. 培养孩子们的责任感除了照料小动物以外,还有其他的方法吗?请结合实际说明你选择其他方法的理由。
回答: 参加团队活动,如打篮球这样的体育活动,与人直接的接触跟能让孩子体会到什么是责任感。
  I believe responsibility is that one should do what he or she says, and afford the consequence of things he or she does. Among people, trust like a bridge connect with each other, and this bridge consist of responsibility. For example, if a business man easily contradict what he says, gradually, the people who knows him would not cooperate with him any more, and then they will warn their friends that the man is untrustworthy. So, responsibility is foundation of our life as the development of society is base on people trust mutually.
   Parents now show more careness to their children personal quality's develop, it is because that comparing with study well, they tend to cultivate a straight one, who can be more easily considered in this society. As everyone knows, children are mostly naive, and they do not know the things they do would bring what kind of consequence. So, what method can be used in developing their responsible consciousness? Some of parents argue that they can give their child an animal to take care. However I believe that might be not a suitable way.
  First, it will have adverse influence on children possibly. For instance, if your child get hurt by scratching or biting from pets, it might be a infected risk to them. Not only the directly hurt, but also the pain they are suffered in hospital will take them a lesson that animals are dangerous, and the worst thing is that they probably reduce their loving heart.
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