TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:nothing123
【IBT机经-19】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more enjoyable to buy a new technological device when it becomes available than to wait until many people have owned it.
1. 请结合实际简述,科技产品一般指的是什么东西?它的特点一般有哪些?
回答: 智能手机,电脑等产品。 昂贵,方便,更新速度很快。
2. 这些特点和其他产品有什么不同?请结合实际简述。
回答: 在生活中必不可少,但日新月异,新的产品往往出的很快。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,人们购买科技产品的目的何在?这些目的是否会影响到人们选购的时间,为什么?
回答: 可以用来学习,工作,娱乐等方面。 如果新的产品比以前的产品会有较大飞跃,人们花钱购买是值得的,就像iphone4。但现在大多数新的科技产品并没有本质上的进步,人们使用一些common devices就可以满足需求,这样人们追求新的产品就会有些浪费。
4. 购买科技产品时应该考虑哪些因素?请结合实际简述。
回答: 新产品的性能用处,自己的预算。 如果只为了追求新的产品而超出自己的承受范围,那就显得得不偿失。例如,一些人只为追求新的产品为了让自己的生活看起来更有质量,但却将钱都花在这个上面,导致生活中的问题(衣食住行)却没有能力解决,这样就会适得其反。
5. 如果一个人的经济水平有限,那么一味地追求最新的科技设备是否还合适呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不合适,现在的common devices 就已经很不错了,不用追求top,应该把钱花在更有用的地方上面。
Technological devices refer to smart phones, computers, and other digital products generally. These products are rely highly on development of technology and they are able to make our life easily, especially the new which are versatile. However, the more uses, the higher price, so new technological devices always cost a great deal. Besides, these devices have a common characteristic that change quickly. Consequently, whether should people pursue newest products or to wait until many people have owned it? As far as I concerned, fashion hunting is not a good choice.
 Altougth these devices are indispensable in our daily life, they are out of date simply. For instance, apple company comes out the new generation of ipad and iphone every year, therefor, you are not familar with functions of your new iphone and then the next generation already appeared probably. So, it is a conduct of wasting money.
Those who buy technological devices are eager to use them to satisfy their basic needs of daily life, such as work, study and entertainment. However, is that a sufficient reason for people to buy them? In my opinion, i believe it is not. It is hard to have essential advances in technological devices nowadays. For example, the majority companies of phone market, samsung and apple, even though their latest products are more beautiful and have some hardware improvements than before, their control system do not change remarkbly. Just because of this, their former generation devices also can prefectly deal with our daily problems and we are able to have them in lower prices.
However, new technological devices also have its advance as they are the symbol of fashion. If you are fashion hunter and have intense will to possess it, I think the cost is worthy. But you should balance your budget and your needs, because if using up your money on it and leading to some daily problems can not be solved effectively, it is more harm than good.
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