TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有成功的经验吗?你觉得你的成功归功于什么?
2. 你觉得成功需要冒险和机会吗?举个例子。
3. 细心的准备对成功有何作用?比如?
4. 你认为还有哪些因素有益于成功?
When asked about whether taking risks or careful plannin that results in the success, as far as I am concerned, the both two are important factors that bring about success.
No matter what kind of job someone does, to some extent, he should take risks or chances. Especially the persom who do venture, it is absolutely unavoidable to take risks.  People who achieve success finally always the one who have the courage to take risks and be ready for the chances all the time. For example, when Yuminghong, who is now the CEO of New Oriential School, at first set the small company which is aimed at teaching students GRE and Toefl. He must took some risks because there was not that many people who want to go abroad and no one could predict what would happen to the world situation. But for him, it was also a chance, because no one at that time thought about runningi a company specialized in teaching English. Now New Oriental School is the first chose for students who want to go to further study abroad.
However, as the old saying goes, chance is for those people who are ready. There is no denying that careful planning which serves as the base of the chance, also palys important roles in achieving success. Even the venture, who want to make a profit, will never solely depend on the chance. Actually, no matter what a person does, he needs some careful planning. For example, if one wants to achieve success in the final exam, he should have exact plans about everyday's study. What is more, for those celebrities who have already achieved big success, I believe they must have careful planning. For example, when Jobs created the first macbook, it is impossible that he never think about the future of macbook. Never can air or iphones just be created automatically. When we see them shown in the market, we should know, behind them, there exists a careful planning  which is also including some future imagnation about them.

In general, I believe that continued success in life will be the result of  careful planning as well as taking risks.
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