TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:郑小晨
Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 当今社会中存在哪些方面的进步?
回答: 科技发展,计算机,网络,交通。
2. 进步的动力是什么?
回答: 人们日益增长的需求
3. 进步所带来的正面效益是什么?
回答: 带来了很多方便和快捷。
4. 进步可能带来的负面效益有哪些?
回答: 环境污染,交通拥堵。
5. 是不是所有的进步都是好的呢?有没有反面例子?
回答: 不是。汽车的发明带来了交通堵塞和环境污染。
Nowadays, with the divelopment of morden society, the increacing number of people debate that does progress make our life better. Some people believe that progress make our life more easy and convient, on the other hand, some people claim that progress make negtive influence in our society. After wighting the two sides seriously, I stronly advocate that progress brings fatastic life to us.  With the various reasons that support my argument, three aspects are list as follows.
Firstly, the adventure of internet brings us trimenders convient and eassiness. For example, we can communicate with our friends on internet with MSN or QQ or even send a e-mail.There are huge amont of information and resourse we can use and learn. When we have problemes, we can search information in Google and find some mesurement. Besides, we can entertainment ourself in internet. We can listen to music or watch movies. 
Secondly, the development of medical treatment made our life more healthy. For example, with the science developed, the medicie is so cheap that normal person can afford when they have normal sick. Forthermore, people can live longer because there are more way to conquer difficult desese.
Thirdly, the development of tranportation lead a convient life to us. with automobile, we can go every where. And Bus and  subway are developed so well that we can go whatever we want.
In conclusion, although the progess take some negtive influence in our life, for example, air pollution and traffic jam, I beleive, with the develop of technology, the problem will be solved. Considering the reason I mentioned above, I conformed that progess make our life more corlourful and convient.
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