TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:南宫亦洛
Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 当今社会中存在哪些方面的进步?
回答: 经济的进步,科技的进步,教育的进步,生活方式,衣食住行全面的进步。社会制度的进步,处理各种问题能力的进步
2. 进步的动力是什么?
回答: 经济的发展后,大量的资金用于科学技术,教育研究领域,带动了社会的进步。
3. 进步所带来的正面效益是什么?
回答: 经济的进步带来了更加丰富的物质生活,同时,大量的金钱投入到科学,教育领域。使得科技得以发展,进而方便了我们日常的生活,科学应用在教育领域,带来了我们衣食住行方面的进步,食用有机食品,不乱扔垃圾,乘坐公共交通工具。穿纳米衣服,住智慧房屋。同时,社会制度的进步,为有效的控制犯罪,创造和谐的生活提供了可能。国际上各个国家在处理国际问题上进步,避免了战争。
4. 进步可能带来的负面效益有哪些?
回答: 进步意味着对过去许多旧习惯,旧事物的摒弃。许多在我们童年伴随我们长大的东西也逐渐消失。它们没有适应时代的要求,被更为先进的所取代,但是,它们所承载的回忆使很难被替代的
5. 是不是所有的进步都是好的呢?有没有反面例子?
回答: 尽管是这样,但是我仍然认为所有的进步对于人类文明来说都是一种贡献,所以应该都是好的。
  With development of society, human have made many progress in almost every aspect. No matter in economy, education, or the daily life, those progress brings a new, easy world to us. Thus, I believe the progress are good.
  Firstly, the increasing of economy gives people more variety of products, meanwhile the more extra money could be involved into the developing of technology and education, which, likes cars, internet, cell phone and computer makes our lives become much convenient than the ancient people. The organic food,advanced medical treatment and new transportation without pollution help people have a long life span and high quality environment. If without these progress, I cannot imagine what is kind of society we would live in. 
  Also, the progress reflects in the society and nations. In the last century, many countries suffered from the Fascist or Communism. But, today, more and more people realize that the democracy, freedom,  legal are the symptoms of civilization. In Middle East, Africa and Asia, many revolutions, reform are going to improve people's lives. These progress in nations could provide a better way to control the rate of criminal, release the classic conflicts, finally to build a more harmonious society. The governments from different countries have learned to use communication to save many international problems which can effectively avoid the war. After all, the war is the really disaster for all the human being.
  Admittedly, the progress is a sword with two blades, many progress new ones eliminate the old things. like the Ipad takes place of the video games, Iphone supersedes the BP device. Those old things with many memory when I was a kid, which is very hard to be replaced.
  From all above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the progress is good thing.
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