TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Phoenix_239
Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 当今社会中存在哪些方面的进步?
回答: 经济;政治;民主;科学;人民素质
2. 进步的动力是什么?
回答: 不断地学习;落后就要挨打
3. 进步所带来的正面效益是什么?
回答: 社会和经济更加繁荣;科学更加进步;人们的生活更加美好;人们的素质日益增高;个人的能力不断提升
4. 进步可能带来的负面效益有哪些?
回答: 20世纪工业文明在给人类社会带来进步的同时,也对环境造成了严重的破坏;三角贸易在给欧洲和美洲经济带来进步的同时,也给非洲人民带来了灭顶之灾;科学在使我们生活更加美好的同时,也为人类的伦理道德(人类克隆)和世界和平(先进武器的制造)带来隐患;个人能力在不断提高的同时,也给自己带来了更多的嘲讽和嫉妒。
5. 是不是所有的进步都是好的呢?有没有反面例子?
回答: 并不是所有的进步都是好的。
When biohazard* breaks out, which way would you like to kill the zombies? Of course it is just a science fiction movie, but recently, more and more people begin to worry about crises, or their post-apocalyptic future, brought by what we have created such as high-level technology or sophisticated medicine. So it seems that progress don’t always bring us good things..
Claims that we are the truly miracle in the evolution have became widely publicized. According to the anthropology, Paleolithic society was more primitive than we could imagine. Contrary to us today, as food gathers, people at that time have to concern about their life because the starvation and killing by beasts were normal. However, even in that situation, people still acted as brothers by sharing their food and providing defense for each other. On the other hand, in that human civilization was still very original and lacking for both manpower and resourse, large-scale war would never become possible until the rise of agriculture. However, many morden people seeking for profit are avaricious and egotistic, betrayal and lie are common in present world, and some injustice war fired in some corners. With the glorious evolution of human, cupidity has filled this society to replace that truly utopian life in origin.
What’s more, beside the crises of humanity, we damage our planet as well. Not only did the Industry Revolution in 20th century brought us steam engine, combustion engine and electronic power which made the extremely development of economy come true, two these industrial progress left tons of thousands of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and millions of extinctions in natural world as well. These crises caused some other natural disasters like flood, tunami and tornado. And in many cases, with the rise of sea surface, some contries even rang the red alert and emigrated in other places. Title to these progress could be claimed on the basis of destruction of environment, obviously, the development of economy is not always meaning prosperity and harmony.    
Of course, although progress does not always bring us good things, but the prupose of development is always the same type: to create our happy life. Furtunately, taking advance of high techonology from all over the realm, people are confident to face these unprecedented challenges together. And we believe someday, we can reach the level without disputes.    
* Biohazard: a science fiction movie that because of the sophisticated medical virus, all the human were turned into the zombies, and others who survived from the extinction began to fight with zombies and protected themselves.
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