GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Naomi
Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
1. 在人与人的交流中,科技起到了什么样的作用(比如:工具、载体、干扰等)?试列举这些过程中的一些具体实例。
回答: 1. preclude the geographic factors (vedio conference) 2. easy to check out the status of friends even not close ones (facebook) 3. save more time (e-mail)
2. 电子邮件和微博等现代交流方式的发展有什么特点?这些方式在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请举例并简述。
回答: instant 过去学生找教授请教问题需要打电话,预约时间地点,现在e-mail就可以解决,省时省力 新闻通过微博,可以瞬时传播
3. 可促进信息互动的技术发展,比如:汽车、飞机等载体,在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 飞机缩短了距离的障碍,使不同国家人的交融变得可能
4. 单向信息传递的技术发展,比如:电视、游戏等,在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用(可从负面影响考虑,比如沉迷游戏而忽视了和人们的交流)?请举例并简述。
回答: Many young people have grown addictions to video games even Relying on the Internet makes people lack of actual human contact.
Technology has no doubt made drastic changes in our modern life, and the impacts are taking place anywhere-cell phones, the Internet, modern transportations. Some hold the view that these changes are doomed to undermine the communication between people, but I believe that taking advantage of technology we have achieved a remarkable improvement of human interaction.
First, in the old days, lack of effective transportation, people had great difficulties in sending messages and traveling, while advanced technology  has removed away the obstructions and limits that block efficient communications. For example, in the wartime hundreds of years ago, messengers had to ride horses across countries to give word of victory, in sharp contrast, today, we can access to the latest global news through newspaper, smart phones and computers. Besides, compared with Marco Polo's years travel from Italy to China, it only takes seven hours flight from Beijing to Rome. Modern transportations have shorten the distance to make a smaller world where people can easily connect to each other. Moreover, video conference permits businessmen to settle a deal in their own offices, which renders long distance flight unnecessary.
Additionally, utilizing the modern technique human being has developed a variety of ways that make communication extremely convenient, which is unconceivable to the ancient residents. For example, we can post and share our updates on the Facebook, the intricate social network that fabricates seamless connection between friends, family, and even celebrities. Instead of making schedules ahead and sitting in the office, students only have to send e-mails indicating their confusions to the professors. Those mechanism sending instant messages contributes to save a great deal of time for people. Moreover, ordinary people’s voices, unprecedentedly,  can be heard by residents all across the world simply by uploading a video on the Youtube. Thanks to the technology, conversations are getting increasingly efficient, instant and convenient.
However, excessive reliance on the Internet and technological devices would likely preclude actual human contacts. For example, modern residents, especially the young ones, have grown an emotional attachment to the virtual world on the Internet. As a result, they refuse to get back to the reality talking with actual people. Also, some high technology video games that can simulate real sport scene keep kids in the door playing alone instead of hanging out with their friends.
It is true that the Internet addiction would build a shield against human contact, yet, throughout the long history, communications have never been so efficient and convenient. Although some problems concerning the side effects remain unsolved, we cannot deny all the contributions that modern sciences have made to superior human connections, because without them, social life would be like taking place on isolated islands.
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