GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:markcasino
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.
本题和ISSUE241很相似(An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time),都是在讨论“评价者合理性问题”。实际情况是同代人和后代都在对“某人”进行评价,二者的视角、关注点、参考信息等因素都有不同,这些不同也就影响了评价的效果。在分析的时候可以根据不同领域、不同事件以及不同的伟大标准来展开思路。
1. 在你的印象中不同领域和不同层次的伟人有什么共性和个性?可结合具体事例简述
2. 评判一个人的伟大的时候,有没有一个普遍适用的标准?如果有,那么这个标准中包括哪些内容?如果没有,那应当如何去评判?
3. 后世人的评判和同代人评判有什么共性和区别?在这些区别中有哪些是后世人具有的优势,而且是同代人没有办法弥补的?
4. 是否存在后代评价和同代人的评价差别很大的人物?造成差别的原因是什么?
Most great minds are way beyond the understanding and tolerance  of the contemporaries'. The very special character that differs genius from mediocrity also prevent them being understood by the rest of hte world, So here comes the saying that great minds can be decided by later generation , not by their peers. I have to admit the fact that there were plenty of genius scorned and banished by his peers, however, not all great minds suffer from this.
When regarding the nature science fields, we can discover a dozen of cases like that. The spirit and essence of science determines that its purpose is to discover the truth beneath the surface and explore the unknown areas. It's a tough progress during which persistence and endeavor are siginificantly crucial for that it may take years before finding the truth finally. And also, the significant meaning of a certain finding could wait decades before the world recognize its value . So, it's possible for great men in scientific research field beyond the notice and understanding of his contemporary world. An example would amplify my illustration. One of the greatest genius in the human's history, I bet you may never heard his name,Tesla, was a  generalist in his time and was regarded unfairly and scorned by his peer , the famous Edison, who invented the bulb. One of his  most siginificant invention was very familiar to us today, it's alternating current. This is only one of his countless great ideas, and many of his inventions are still ranked as "highly classified information" by the U.S. government, his thought is still affecting the world we are living in.
When it comes to fields such like arts and literaure, many a many artists striving for their lived to be recognized and accepted by the majority however end up anonymous. Vincent Van Gogh, who is regarded as one of the greatest painter of history, could not sell even a piece of painting while he is alive! Art serves to reveal the inner emotion of artist and convey them through their work. When their understanding of beauty and goodness or their expression of their subjective thoughts are beyond the comprehension of the majority , they are meant to be lonely and anonymous for most of their lives.
However in today's business world,  there is no room for nameless genius and anonymous inventions. In the realm of business, in most cases, great achievement is recognized immediately . More convincing is the field of business: the names such as Bill Gates and Mark Zurkerberg, are eminet because they fullfils billions of people's dream: to be young and weathy. nothing else. We appreciate these persons as great ones because we live in a time when the criteria of success is wealth. So it lead us to think,
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