TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dlp
Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你现在住在哪儿?是小城镇还是大城市?
2. 你喜欢住在那儿吗?为什么?
3. 大城市和小城镇在居住条件上有什么明显的区别?
4. 你理想中适合居住的地方是什么样的?描绘一下。
Nowadays, some people prefer to live in big city while others think small town is a better place . In my view, living in big city attract me more.
living in a big city means I can do many things conviently. For example, after one day's work, if I want to purchase some articles for daily use, I can go Walmart easily without wasting two much time on the transportation. In another aspect, I reveal my fasination with classic music and always attend some concert. As we know, most music hall are located in big city and the majority of  famous musicians give the concerts only in big city. Living in such place can make me attend these concert timely. In most cases, concert are hold in night peirod, if my home is located in a big city, after the concert, I can go home not too late without affecting my tomorrow activity.
Living in a big city, I can communicate and play with my friends more easily and diverse. During leisure time at night, after a whole day's hardwork, may be we get tired and want to relax. An effective way is to  play or have dinner with friends. In a big city, we can get together more quickly since the close distance between us.  Also we can play tennis , badminton or do other entertainment at any time we want because the field are always available in big city.
Although there are some advanges for living in a small town. some people may think the enviroment in small town is better than that in  a big city. But I think this kind of advantage has been magnified for a lot of big cities has almost the same good enviroment as that in small town. Also some people may think small town is a more quiet place to live. But modern architecture has used technical material that obstruct the noise away from the house. Meanwhile, the city design nowadays put more attention on the living enviroment, a good example is the central park in New york.
although, the more fresh air and more slient enviroment in a small town is a good reason to live there,  compared with these advantages, the convinent and easy communicating feature of the life in a big city appeals me more. Thus in my living location list, big city is the first one.
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