GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:陈青
As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE66原题。题目讨论科技对人类影响的话题,题目分为两部分:第一部分陈述了一个大家都接受的事实——“人们越来越多的依赖于靠科技解决问题”;第二部分以这个事实为基础,给出了“依赖于科技必然会降低人类自我思考能力”的判断。题目不难理解,相关事例也有很多,分析时应当注意以下两点: 1、论述中始终要与“人们的自我思考能力”以及“解决问题”相关联,无论是讨论科技的正面作用还是负面作用,都应当以“有利于自我思考”或“有碍于自我思考”为方向。 2、可以静止独立的去对比分析,同时也可以采用动态发展的眼光去分析,影响程度的变化以及新情况的出现都可能会对判断产生影响。
1. 人们在平时的生活、工作、学习的过程中,都面对哪些问题?解决这些问题的方法都有什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 面对的问题: 1.设计师设计产品,检测时要设备,给设计带来很多不方便;现在只需要在办公室的电脑上就可以建模测试,省时间又省金钱。 2.人们面对能源枯竭的问题;新能源的发现等 3.学生查资料,网络分享,便利
2. 人们解决问题的方法在科技帮助下,在哪些方面得到了改进和突破?和原方法相比有了怎样的提高?效果如何?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 在产品设计的方面得到了很大的提高,原来的方法设计师设计产品需要手工画图纸,检测产品时要把样品做出来人工检测,费时耗力。而现在设计师只需要坐在办公室在电脑上操作这一切,省了很大的金钱也使得产品生产的周期大大减小,同时设计师可以按自己想像的设计不用担心错误想打带来的失败的风险,更有利于设计灵感的发挥。而且,工厂流水线的设计也是一个好的例子,增加了就业机会,提高效率,等等
3. 人类的自我思考的能力在什么场合或者情况下会被用到?要思考哪些问题?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 人类的自我思考往往是在面临新问题时,例如能源逐渐枯竭的问题,农民庄稼因为害虫泛滥成灾影响收成的问题,还有因电线插座引起无数火灾解决的问题等等
4. 科技能否代替思考能力?如果能,请举例;如果不能,为什么?
回答: 科技不能代替思考力。正是源于人类的思考才促使科技的进步,科技是所有好点子的集合,当然在科技进步的同时带来一些负面的问题,例如核能用于战争,但是如果把核能重新安排一个位置,比如解决新能源的问题,就可以更好的利用它。所以科技不能代替人类的思考能力。
5. 有哪些原因会导致人类自我思考能力衰退?这些原因有哪些是科技造成的?思考能力的衰退与科技之间存在必然联系么?
回答: 战争,种族歧视,贫富差距会导致人类人类自我思考能力的衰退。战争和贫富差距是科技进步造成的。没有必然的关系。
For the past few years,technology has became the most powerful force in the world.All the things we see today that changing our lives,we can track back to the introduction of new technology. So I strongly agree with the assertion that people rely more and more on technology to tackle problems,however, the final judgement on wether the ablity of humans to think for themselves will detoriate shoud depend on a case-by-case analysis of the two situations. Adimittedly,with many technological developments,the ability of  will surely detoriate. Enduring problems such as war,poverty and violance stem from certain aspects of technological development.Consider,for instance,advances in technology improve the structural intergrity of our buildings.But,behind the headlines that lay behind the buildings is the fate of the often_indus construction workers.Many labors from poor areas,such as India and Pakistan,risk everything to make money for their family back home.They live a life in labor camps with no water and no air conditioning,and they protested for the non-payment of wages,for the poor quality of food,and inadequate houses. However,technology has enchanced our effciency of all aspects of life.There are now work-stations that enable engineers to design and test products right on their desks with the computer,much the way a company creats a newsettle garage.As the time and cost of making products drop a few days and a few hundreds dollors,engineer may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without  being penalized by expensive failures. Technology can not solve all problems we faces.Some problems such as war ,culture conflicts and discreminations are decided not the technological developtment but other aspects,witch embody politics, In sum, what technology constantly gives us over the long term is not only the benefits ,such as conviences,chances,opportunits ,but also the conficts and tension.That is what we get from technology.
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