GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蛋炒面58
In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings—trials, debates, meetings, etc—that are televised, the more society will benefit.
1. 请列举几个国家的电视或广播对于政府办公的播出情况,并对比这些国家的社会情况。
回答: china closed America open china attracts attention from throughout in known world
2. 观看电视上播出的政府办公情况进而让民众了解应先给他们生活的议题对社会有哪些意义?请举例并简述。
回答: be confident in their goverment; give advices for their society;
3. 播出政府办公过程的种类越多是否就会使整个社会受益越多?政府办公和社会受益之间的实际关系应当是怎样的?
回答: safety and secret
4. 过多的政府的办公过程种类(如:审判,辩论,会议等)被播出将会带来哪些潜在危害?请举例并简述。
回答: 干扰抉择,不得不说在有些时候人民是愚昧的。
Does the more kinds of government proceedings be televised, the more benefit society?
Recently, viewing governments at work by television is possible in many countries. The speaker claims that people can understand the issues that affect their lives by watching these proceedings, and that the more is the better for society. Generally speaking, I can't more agree with the former, but tend to disagree with the latter.
Admittedly, it is a chance for nationals to learn about what their leaders have promised, for only special groups of people can absolutely understand the roots of claims and rules-for example, protecting sources, cutting down taxes- by government. Listening to a term of economic reforms is boring to the masses, for who watching how to do it otherwise might be interesting. This theory is just similar as teacher plants a tree directly instead of telling students to dig, water, and so forth. 
Moreover, people will be confident in their governments by watching these government proceedings from television. Such as  a research informs us that Chinese feel more happy in recent years, for now we can acquire news of government  significant meetings, political reforms, and social changes in time from television where it was hard for civilization knew why they cannot go to work in the wave of hiring. It will never bring debates that viewing governments at work abridges the distance between rulers and ordinary people. American presidential election is a typical case. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a famous historical figure, is the first one in American history to acquire crown by the help of television, just for the simple reason that nationals felt they knew about him from his television lectures. In other words, with television, Kennedy made possible that most of voters trusted in him.
However, if secrets referring to the safety of countries are brought to the masses, also the unsafe situations will be brought to. As a result, the more is not the better now, and never will. The same as masses have the right to know how governments are dealing with their interests, governments have the right to conceal significant country secrets. For example, if Chinese leaders allowed us to watch how they were researching nuclear weapon,  it might be more than three countries that have the nuclear technology. To some extent, ordinary people are unintelligent about political reforms and economic innovations. With unintelligent nationals, more kinds of government proceedings televied would not bring benefit to society but obstructions to governments.
To sum up, government proceedings build stages for ordinary people to learn about sociopolitical policy, economic events, and even their leaders. Yet, some kinds of proceedings should be secrets forever concerning about country safety and government efficiency. Of course, governments should continue working on the air in the condition of concealing some kinds of significant proceedings.
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