GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:罗伯翰
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE228"The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent -- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones"。题目讨论教育方式的问题,认为最好的教育方式是对正面行为的表扬和对负面行为的忽略。本题可以从表扬和忽略两种做法的利弊对比出发,结合教育的需求和目的进行展开。需要注意题目讨论的是“最好的”教育方式,所以在论述表扬和忽视各自利弊的同时,还需要把这个论述目标把握好,同时对于表扬和忽视的对象不要混淆。
1. 请结合具体情况阐述:对学生、孩子以及职员教育的目的分别是什么。
回答: 让他们在今后的生活学习中树立正确的观念;利用正当手段对公司作出更多的贡献
2. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是正面的?对这些行为给予表扬会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 正当竞争。会再接再厉,也有可能骄傲
3. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是负面负?对这些行为的忽略会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 不正当竞争。痛改前非,或者欲罢不能
4. 持续的只对正面行为进行表扬并忽略所有负面行为会有哪些潜在危险?请举例并简述。
回答: 纵容
5. 如果想要达到最好的学习效率和效果,应当如何搭配对正、负面行为的鼓励和忽视?
回答: 对错误指出并令其改正
6. 与鼓励和忽视相比,还有哪些其他教育手段?这些手段在教育中的应用,相对于鼓励与忽视,会有哪些不同效果?
回答: 激励法。。
Indeed, praising the positive actions is a good way of teaching and can encourage someone to do better in the future. On the other hand, ignoring the negative ones several times seems forgiving the mistakes someone did but is a kind of indulgent manner for the person if his or her mistakes commences lots of time. Therefore, I agree the former part of the contention which author gives but the mistakes should be concerned instead of ignoring.
It is undoubtedly that praising someone is the best mean to teach someone. Bill Gates showed his talent when he was in high school because he was really good in doing the works which are related to the computer and software. His teacher and classmates assured that he could be a millionaire before 25 years old. As expected, he not only became a millionaire but also a multimillionaire due to the invention of DOS operating system which is known as an outstanding one at that time.
Ignoring the negative ones has little effect on inspiring someone but may leads to a bad result instead. Pointing out the mistake and asking for correction is an essential way of teaching especially for kids and juveniles. For example, if a kid always steal the belongings of others which is saw by teachers but without warning, he may develops an awareness that stealing is a good way of obtain something without any cost. Moreover, lots of the bad habits of a person are all the result of ignoring by his or her teachers or parents when that person was young.
Although ignoring the negative manners once or twice dose good for the person for his or her self-discipline, the best way of teaching, in my opinion, should be the mixture of praising the positive action together with clarifying the negative ones.
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