TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Belledu
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 现代技术都有哪些?
回答: computers, industries, digital products, the phones, 3G web, high-speed rail,statellites.
2. 人们生活和工作的哪些方面跟现代技术相关?
回答: entertaintment, consumer, transportation, travel, communication.
3. 现代技术对于文化有什么影响?
回答: univocal culture, some triditional cultrue diminished gradually, produced the internet cultuer,crushed the triditional cultrue.
4. 随着现代技术的发展,现代文化于之前相比有什么显著特点?
回答: more technological, more or less bring about convenients, but isolated people's relations. created a hypocricy world.
As time goes by, with the development of modern technology, some people viewed it is the root of the single culture. From the aspect of modern life, we may think it causes  the trend of the world more univocal. However, this statement overlooks the varies of different regional culture.One can not deny that until now, the rapid development of modern technology plays a vital role in our daily life. The prevailence of internet, 3G web, eco-commerce, i-phone, high-speed rail and so on. These are the part of modern culture.To some extends, it seem taht the globe become a trendy of forming a single culture, especially in learning Ebglish. For example, we communicate with others mostly by computers, mobile phones, never to mention writing a letter. We learn English as it was our second language. The ways and conditions we live in Beijing as well as Paris. All those are likly to show us the modern technology brings us into a single culture. It is the truth that modern technology influenced our culture and life, we should realize that modern technologe just is a part of culture, thus it could not become the whole meanings of culture. We live in the different regions on earth, maybe we learn English as possible as we can, but we still sear our mothertongue into our heart. Differnt regions produced different cultures.Triditional culture such as customs, faith, literary is still a main stream in the development of history. Those cultures reserved not only because they are sybolics of each country but also present the muticulture over others.Modern technology may be bring us the quantity of convenients, however, the traditional culture rester a way to baptame our soul. For modern technology let our life easy but hypocrisy. Everday, we work as we must work, we communicate with others mostly by QQ, msn, message,even the initiate people, we just have a call to prove we are related. We even think we exist on earth just through microblog to know the external world. I am not willing to think about what the world would like if there was not interner. Fortunatly, there is traditional culture as a comentary to supply us a real world. We can enjoy ourselves in the traditional holidays, we are communicating face to face without put the masks.It gives us not the be liked intimate, but a real exposure of emotion.In sum, modern technology as a part of culture obviously is an effective way facilitated our convenient.But it is insufficient to form a single cultre in our ordinary life due to traditional culture stiil impressed us as a better way to arrive the direction of happiness.
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