GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蜗牛
Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题讨论在国外学习对于大学生的意义,认为至少要在外学习一个学期。这个话题是大部分考生们生活中会接触到的内容,而且“study in a foreign country”也是绝大多数参加GRE考试的考生的目的,所以可以类比一下,在做头脑风暴的同时,尽量扩展思路,深入思考分析。可以从“需求和解决方式”、“国外学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果”、“对学生、对学校、对家庭、对社会”等多方去展开。
1. 请列举三至五点你认为应该被重视的大学教学目的?根据这些目的,大学应该给学生哪些引导?这些引导和学生出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 1.让学生拥有专业知识技能;2.提高学生的综合能力(除了学习之外,例如领导能力、与人交往的能力、创新能力、组织能力、决策能力、应变能力等);3.提高学生的道德修养,让学生有更好的品德素质;4.扩展学生的视野。 在教给学生专业知识的同事,引导学生去寻找适合自己事业或继续学习 ★1.传授给学生必要的专业知识。2.培养学生的独立思考能力以及对新环境的快速适应能力。3.拓展学生的眼界,丰富学生的经历,培养学生的全球观(global view)。 第三点和学生出国的关系是很密切的,到一个新的环境中,不仅能锻炼学生的resilience of a new environment,还能在很大程度上拓展学生的眼界和丰富学生的经历,让学生体验更多的不同文化。
2. 请列举三至五点你认为大学生需要掌握的能力?这些能力需要通过哪些行为来锻炼?这些锻炼和出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 同上2. 应变能力:在国外自己遇到突发事件要学会自己解决;决策能力:离开父母在国外,遇到事情需要自己去判断,而不是依赖他人;与人交往的能力:在新的环境中学习生活,可以锻炼与人交往的能力;组织能力、领导能力:在国外的学习生活中都可以体现。
3. 去国外学习对于学生来说都有哪些意义,或者大学生去国外学习可能存在哪些问题?请举例并简述(可从学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果思考)。
回答: 正面:可以在大学期间接触不一样的学习生活的环境,并且在接触中,可以知道自己是否适合长期的国外生活,例如很喜欢国外的教学风格,可以考虑毕业后在国外继续学习; 负面:对于一些还没有准备好离开熟悉环境,进入新的环境学习的学生,仓促的去国外学习会造成心理负担,遇到困难没有人可以很好的引导,例如上课跟不上,成绩不好,可能会导致学生心理上的问题。 ★去国外学习,首先就是考验学生对新环境的适应力和对不同文化的包容力,而另一方面又为学生积累了异国学习的经验,present them with abundant exotic culture and atmosphere. broaden their sight and vision. 当然也可能存在一些负面的影响,例如适应能力不强而生活学习不顺利,例如在我们学校,就有一些同学因为院系设置的原因,在国外能选的课很少,有大量的课余时间,但因为对异国不熟没有能够充分利用时间,最终交换的学期学到的知识很少,体验也很少。
4. 大学生去国外学习的时间长短应该如何选择?“一个学期”是否合适?请结合具体情况分析并简述。
回答: 大学生出国是为了学习语言并且了解另一个地方的学习生活习惯,但是了解,远非一个学期所能完成的。但是大学生出国一个学期其实足够学生知道自己是否喜欢或不喜欢那个地方,可以把是否出国深造当成对未来的规划,而不是盲目的决定是否未来出国。
5. 除了出国学习之外,还有哪些其他方式可以更有效地满足以上这些目的?如果有,请举例。
回答: 很多人觉得想了解一个地方,旅游就足够了,但是旅游的时间或许只有几周的时间,而是否习惯一个地方的教学、生活习惯则需要切身处地的感受,锻炼能力,可以由其他的项目完成,例如在大学的时候做part-time job或参加student union;但是想知道自己是否真的适合出国深造,或许只有真正的出去了才能知道。
With the development of the society and the advancement of the techology, studying abroad is no longer tough. Because of this, more and more colleges and universities give opportunities to students to study abroad. But it is weaken to say that colleges and universities should require their student to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country, every question, however, has its both sides.
When mentioned the acknowledges that the students should learn in the period of university except their major subjects, the various abilities they establish are the most important. During this time, students should practice their entir abilities for the day when they attend the society. The companies usually perfer hiring the one who not only has excellent major subjects, but has some abilities like leardership, organizing ability, coordination ability, the skill in communication and so on. Studying abroad, for most of students, is a good way to build up these abilities. Compared with staying interiorly, leaving far away from home, the students would absolutely grow up quicker than living in the familiar environment. They should do more decisions withou their parents, communicate with foreigners, solve the emergency events by themselves. Although they can get practices in the foreign life, besides studying abroad, there are numerous ways give opportunities for students to practice abilities, for instance, having part-time jobs, joining student unions, doing interships. From this, studying abroad is a access, but not the only access. 

On the other hand, different students have different characteristics and abilities to adapt the new environment. Some students may too shame to communicate with foreigners which make they cannot relate to a new aroup; some students may prepare insufficiently which lead them to a lower grades and to loose self-confident; some students may feel confused and isolated when no one guides them to solve problems. These inadaptations have chances to bring more serious mental diseases. While some students seem to live in that foreign country for years when the first time they come, others may feel ioslated all the time. It is not wise for universities and colleges to require every students to go abroad. Universities and colleges should set down the policy more flexible to suit for all the all kinds of students. 

Last but not least, one semester is far from enough. When students join a new environment, they need time to adapt it, especially for the adaption of language. Generally the students necessarily need three to six months to suit the pattern of education of different environment. Because of this, it is too short for students to study in a foreign country which make they study hard but learn nothing. If the colleges and universities want their students learn something from the foreign country, they should give their students more time, such as one or two years to live there. 

In a nutshell, it is an excellent idea for colleges and univerisities to give their students the opportunities to study in a foreign country. But the they should not force the students to do that. While different people have different characteristics, the colleges and univerisities should do that policy various from person to person. 
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