TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:stepstone
Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 汽车给我们的生活带来了哪些便利?
回答: move/journey more comfortably and expediently to destinations near and far, and the figurative world moved closer together.
2. 同时,汽车又给人类生活带来哪些危害?
回答: as societal reliance and global economic dependence have increased with the auto industry, many profound dilemmas/predicaments have surfaced. Car and truck exhausts pollute the air in urban agglomeration areas around the world and thus incur severe health problems.
3. 对于这些危害,人类有什么办法控制或是解决?
回答: well-off/ triumphant invent an engine type/genus that does not rely on petroleum energy
4. 若是没有汽车的出现,人类的生活将是怎样的?
回答: The pace and tempo of life is more slow than present, and less people mobility than today.
5. 类似汽车这种科技的发展,它们给现代生活到底增添了怎样的色彩?
回答: absolutely,enhance the probability and ability of people enjoy life;
During the timescales of the past one hundred years the automobile has become a principal requirement of modern society, and its percussion has been measurable. Nevertheless,yet the question of whether it has made better off of our lives or caused grave aftermaths or back-washes is impertinent, because the motor has done both. Consequently, we should strong its strengths and pursue to correct the side-effect it remains to trigger in order to earn/obtain greater goods from this implement.

The era/times/epoch of transportation transferred/evolved into another gear from the invention of the automobile. Immediately it turned possible for people to move/journey more comfortably and expediently to destinations near and far, and the figurative world moved closer together. Trucks loaded cargo across countries and soon become powerful/potently competition for trains and ships. As a consequence, food and other consumer goods have get available/accessible even in distant areas, on the whole living standards have ameliorated, and the motorcar industry, which has raised outrageous/incredibly/fantastically over the period of the past century, employs millions of workers over the whole world.

However, as societal reliance and global economic dependence have increased with the auto industry, many profound dilemmas/predicaments have surfaced. Car and truck exhausts pollute the air in urban agglomeration areas around the world and thus incur severe health problems. The persisted use of fossil fuel engines and the scarcity of oil have led/contribute to much political dispute/fighting/squabble and even military action which could has been avoidable, particularly in the oil rich region of the Middle east. As the mighty/potent automobile industry remains reluctant and has yet to well-off/ triumphant invent an engine type/genus that does not rely on petroleum energy, the back-washes of petroleum fuel deficiency/absence will become an even more vicious problem.
At the same time, over-encouraged promote motor industry also decreased people`s living quality in mega-city. In order to invigorate the economy continuing progress, both government and the motor company are support citizen buy cars by using various stimulating policies, thus many people in megalopolis possesses private cars. It is good for residents living handy in some respects, but it also spur a quandary that the urban areas have not enough room to parking these private cars. Consequently, some cities have decide diminish the public green space so as to squeeze room for constructing the big parking lot. This action will definitely reduce the environment of city which have already polluted seriously.

Now that the automobile is here to exist we must not only enjoy its conveniences, but we must also intend to moderate the aftermaths it has caused, for example air pollution and over reliance on petroleum fuel engines. In the same vein, we must inspire the usage of alternative fuel sources, which have been researched and developed successfully. Then the merits of the automobile will outweigh the severe backwashes.
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