TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:言寺吉力
Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 汽车给我们的生活带来了哪些便利?
回答: 节省时间和体力 扩大我们的活动范围 更好的保护我们安全出行
2. 同时,汽车又给人类生活带来哪些危害?
回答: 车祸 汽车尾气对空气的污染
3. 对于这些危害,人类有什么办法控制或是解决?
回答: 限制车速和严罚酒驾 摇号限车
4. 若是没有汽车的出现,人类的生活将是怎样的?
回答: 出行不便 工作效率降低
5. 类似汽车这种科技的发展,它们给现代生活到底增添了怎样的色彩?
回答: 使得生活更加丰富有趣 带来了许多的便捷
In the modern society,we could easily take advantage of the automobile invention to achieve our batter life.But as the old saying goes"Every coin has two sides",some people hold the view that the automobile has caused many serious problems in our daily life.In my opinion,I firmly support the idea that no one can deny the automobile brings lots of  benefits to our life.We should not refuse to use the automobile because of it equiped with some  blight.

Automobile is a fantastic invention which change our daily life greatly.First of all,we can save lots of  our precious time and energy by uesing the automobile.I lived far away from the high school when I was a senior student,I need spent half an hours to go to school by bike.But if my mom drove her own car to take me to my high school,it only take about five minutes.Secondly,the automobile permits us further into the space.Automobile can drive more than one hundred Km per hour,we can drive it to go to a nearby city easily in a day.Thirdly,automobile is made of iron,and there is a closed space.We can go out freely even in the raining day.If you ride on a bicycle or walk on the street in a bad weather you should wear the raining coat or take a umbrella and caused you a lot of troubles.

The total number of automobile increasing fastly come from more and more people realized the advantage of the automobile,and the automobile has made lots of trouble,such as traffic jam,accidents and air pollution.Face the automobile's disadvantages,our government has took different kinds of measures to solve these problems.

All in all,I convinced the automobile has improved our modern life.

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