GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lovehp
Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题讨论在国外学习对于大学生的意义,认为至少要在外学习一个学期。这个话题是大部分考生们生活中会接触到的内容,而且“study in a foreign country”也是绝大多数参加GRE考试的考生的目的,所以可以类比一下,在做头脑风暴的同时,尽量扩展思路,深入思考分析。可以从“需求和解决方式”、“国外学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果”、“对学生、对学校、对家庭、对社会”等多方去展开。
1. 请列举三至五点你认为应该被重视的大学教学目的?根据这些目的,大学应该给学生哪些引导?这些引导和学生出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: critical thinking;independence;humble;honest;arrangement timing出国培养independence,还有humble因为要学习他国的文化,科技,arrangement timing才能保证生活,学习规律
2. 请列举三至五点你认为大学生需要掌握的能力?这些能力需要通过哪些行为来锻炼?这些锻炼和出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 学习能力,找资料的能力,交流能力,团队合作 交流和团队--参加社团 出国首先就要过语言关,因此在学习语言的过程中就锻炼了学习能力,写作业要用到资料,--
3. 去国外学习对于学生来说都有哪些意义,或者大学生去国外学习可能存在哪些问题?请举例并简述(可从学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果思考)。
回答: 多学一门语言,多了解他国文化,历史,锻炼独立性,人成熟,心理素质 问题:安全问题,学习听不懂,交友问题
4. 大学生去国外学习的时间长短应该如何选择?“一个学期”是否合适?请结合具体情况分析并简述。
回答: 时间应根据目的来确定,比如读PHD,5年
5. 除了出国学习之外,还有哪些其他方式可以更有效地满足以上这些目的?如果有,请举例。
回答: 去公司实习
Should all colleges and universities require their students to spend at least one semester studing abroad? The author considers that studying abroad could make students more mature and more independent, which is good to their development. Indeed, students who study in a forgeign contry are more mature than other people who is at the same age;however, studying abroad could also cause many troubles, which would have permanent inflience to students.
Students study in colleges and universities not only major class, but also the ability of learning and independence. Studying in a forgein country could prompt the development of independence and learing ability, as well as well lerned forgeigh languiage. In a forgein country, students have no parents and no friends to depend, thus, they have to wash clothes and cook food on their own,which could practice their the ability of independence. What's more, studying abroad could also practice students' ability of learning, for they have to learn languige very well; otherwise they would not follow teachers. Besides, students would improve the ability of timing orderly, since they have many things to do. For example, study, rent, party, and work. If they couldn't arrange everything sequencely, they wouldn't study well and live confortable.
Granted that the advantage of studing abroad is surperior, the threaten could also exist. Students who study in a forgein country might encoumber some dengerous things, such as enter some dangerous places, or the phenomenon that they come accross theft, but no one help them.  Plus, some of students might be so excited to a new palce that they are rife with curious; consequentely, students hang out all day long but study. Moreover, since they are poorly of their English, students faild to friend with forgein people, which might cause students developed some mental diseases. In spite of these, students whose family could support them enough mongey to go abroad might depresssed, because their fridens all go abroad.
I think one semester will not suitable to everyone, for student have differnet destination. For some students, they go abroad in oreder to futher study, such as PHD, or futher research, thus one semester is far from enough. In my opinion, at least five years are suit to them. As for some students just to take part in a compition, they might just need ten days. To students whose major is human culture, I think, they might need several years to study deeply to a forgein culture.
To put it in a nutshell, even though not all students are suitable to study in a forgein country, I suggest, students shoud spend severl periode of time to study abroad, for improving their all aspect of ability. As for the time, students should base on their destination to decide.
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