GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Belledu
Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortunetelling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.
1. 主流科学都有哪些?能给人们提供什么帮助?请举例并简述。
回答: 文学,医学,哲学,物理等学科。这些学科中,文学科类能拓展人们的思维,理学又可以促进科学技术的发展。为人们的思想与物质带来了极大的方便。比如,文学作品对人们思想的解放,就拿新中国来说,在继承马克思主义,又结合中国实际创造了毛泽东思想与社会主义特色思想,对中国的发展起了时代的作用。
2. 人们都有什么需求,哪些是可以被主流科学提供的帮助满足的?哪些又是不能被满足?请举例并简述。
回答: 人们的物质需求是可以由物理等理学类的完善与发展来促进,比如人类对未知事物的探索。经过多年,人们利用高科技可以进入海底2000多米,这是前所未有的。比如袁隆平发明的杂交水稻,这对于全世界的粮食供给有很大的帮助。
3. 非主流研究可以提供给人们什么?能满足哪些主流科学不能实现的需求?请举例并简述。
回答: 非主流研究涉及的方面比较精神上的。人类科学对未能解释的一些神秘想象,非主流似乎都可以找到一丝线索。比如,对未来发生在某人身上的预知,在这一点上,还米有哪门主流科学可以准确地描述。而这些非主流正好适应或说迎合满足了人们对自己未来命运的极度渴求。从而,有些人对非主流学科乐此不疲。
4. 如果仅仅依赖主流科学人们的生活会怎样?如果仅仅依赖非主流研究呢?请对比并描述。
回答: 仅仅依赖主流科学,也许这个社会更多的是理性社会。而仅仅依赖非主流科学则也许人们会生活过于理想化。过度的理性会导致人性的泯灭,对他人的冷漠,道德也许就不是所谓的道德。而是如何使人冷血了。然而,过的的理性就会变得梦幻,不切实际。深深陷入幻想中而不可自拔,对人类的发展肯定从一定程度上会起到阻碍作用。
5. 主流科学带人们的好处和非主流研究带给人们的好处,哪个更重要?是否可以彼此取代?
回答: 通过上述的对比可以得知,无论是主流科学和非主流科学都有各自的利弊。主流科学之所以当代的主流是因为目前它对社会的推动作用占主体地位。但是,在为人类带来好处的同时,也从一定程度对自然,环境等造成了破坏。而非主流主要运用的精神手段,它对自然等实体不会产生那样巨大的影响,却影响真人类的思维活动。所以,我们不能说谁能取代谁。而是应该吸收各自的有利之处来为社会服务,为人类与自然的发展服务。
Last time, my friend asked me: "Do you believe in astrology?" "Astrology? Why? Why should I believe?" "Because there are more than 80% girls believe it." Admittedly, nowadays, such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortunetelling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society. It claims that these nonmainstream areas could satisfy human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science. To some extents, I really am interested in astrology, fortunetelling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits due to they can bring me incredible joys which are comparable to those happiness that of mainstream science which consists of science, chemical, literature, philosopy, medicalogy and so on. It is undoubted the mainstream science is never short of in our life.They can bring us about advantages not only in facilitating to social development, but also satisfying our material needs. For example, our great first Chairman Mao is succeded to the theologies of Maxism and uinied them in the reality of the Chines state-quos in which China is contruired. Another instance is Professer Yuan Longping invented teh hybrid rice, this innoviation is an unprecedented importance to the world. Obviously, the mainstream science becomes the mainstream is closely related to its advantages for human beings.At the same time, the mainstream science also aroused inevitable disavantages to humans. It sometimes harms the environment and caused unbalance of natrue. Moreover, some of them badly influenced people's health such as poisonous gases, biochemical weapons and especially the nuclear. All those are impossible showed to us in the nonmainstream science which usually creats a thought crush to people. To believe or not to believe? That is a qustion. The reason why people are intrigued by the nonmainstream science may be it would predict the future of one's destiny and then it is endowed to a mysterious color. What is more, some predictions are coincided with the course of one's future life. Maybe as a result of prophsying to the future, it do caters for human konwing eagerly about his fortune. Therefore,it is a great delight to some people because they can deserve a uncomtemplated and anticipated amusing and they are full of it.However, if we are overly infatuated with the nonmainstream science, we may become more passion and even illusory which will impact severely on our life-- a obstacle in the course of human history. Conquenstly, we should exploit the mainstream reaonably as a current science, nay, also could we develop the nonmainstream judiciously as a supplementary science. Only in this way can help and sustain to humanity.

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