GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Robert_703
Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortunetelling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.
1. 主流科学都有哪些?能给人们提供什么帮助?请举例并简述。
回答: 物理学、化学、生物学、社会学、信息科学,等等。1,起到了物质上的帮助(物理学的发展-生产机器的进步,化学的发展-新材料的应用,生物学的发展-治愈更多的疾病);2,起到了满足好奇心的作用,满足了人们探究万物本源的欲望,回答了一部分哲学问题(进化论-为“我们是怎么来的”提供了一个解答)。
2. 人们都有什么需求,哪些是可以被主流科学提供的帮助满足的?哪些又是不能被满足?请举例并简述。
回答: 马洛斯需要层次理论,基本需要与成长需要;基本需要大部分能为主流科学满足,尤其是生存需要、安全需要(改善生活环境、提高生活质量),对社交需要(信息技术的发展带来的交流的便利)能满足一部分,在成长需要方面,能满足认知需要(满足人们的好奇心,提高了人们对外界的认知能力),为自我实现需要也提供了一定的基础(现有科学水平使得人们有能力作出更大的贡献);不能满足的有尊重需要(完全是人与人之间的互动以及主观感受)、大部分社交需要(主流科学能搭建便利的交流平台,但不能让你获得朋友)、大部分审美需要(也是自己的主观感受)、一部分新产生的认知需要(越来越多的问题不能为主流科学所解答)。
3. 非主流研究可以提供给人们什么?能满足哪些主流科学不能实现的需求?请举例并简述。
回答: 能提供一个迎合潜意识需要的解释,或者是在统计上切合的唯像理论,解决一部分主流科学遇到的困难。例如占星术和算命迎合了人们渴望预测未来细节的欲望,通灵术则回应了人们对死亡的畏惧与好奇。
4. 如果仅仅依赖主流科学人们的生活会怎样?如果仅仅依赖非主流研究呢?请对比并描述。
回答: 仅仅只有主流科学,对于其不能解决而又较为迫切的问题,将会引发大范围的质疑从而生活在焦虑之中,这里非主流科学给了人们一个安于现实的态度(不管是否正确,这些主流科学不能解决问题有一些看上去还行的解释,我们可以就此打住)。如果仅仅以来非主流科学,人们将不会获得实质性的进步,对外部世界的认知将会是盲目的。
5. 主流科学带人们的好处和非主流研究带给人们的好处,哪个更重要?是否可以彼此取代?
回答: 主流科学:实质性的进步,生活水平的提高,认识层次的深化;非主流科学:一个对不可知问题的可能解答,安抚人们的心灵。主流科学更重要,但是不能代替非主流科学,因为不能主观地切断某些可能的发展方向(如果天象真的对地球有一定影响?),并且非主流科学有上述实用的作用。
It's an
interesting phenomenon that although we received mainstream science education from
childhood to adulthood, the nonmainstream areas, such as astrology and
fortune-telling, is still active today. It's true that mainstream sciences is
stronger and more powerful, the nonmainstream areas play a unsubstituted role
on the stage of contemporary society.


Once, the
nonmainstream areas today mentioned above were the real mainstream ones in
history. As the progression of human society, the modern science boomed up and
expanded its domain in the field once belonging to the traditional
"science", because the modern sciences, the mainstream ones today,
brought myriad of progression and benefit to people in almost all the material
fields and some spiritual fields. With the development of biology and medicine,
we found the way to have a healthier body and longer average life span. With the
progression of physics and mechanics, powerful engine and useful mechanical
tool were invented to liberate us from burdening labors. With the discovery of
chemistry, more and more new materials applied, such as Teflon and Lycra, and
brought us excellent experiences in daily life. All these achievements
come from the mainstream sciences.


But with the
further development of mainstream sciences, they faced many unsolved questions
and mysteries. Maybe it’s the factor inside the mainstream sciences that accelerated
what described above. One reason of the success of mainstream sciences is the
very strict proving steps. This axiom of sciences constrain the mainstream
sciences from expressing any opinions about the mysteries they cannot explain.
In front of the unsolved questions, sciences ask themselves to keep neutral.
With the topics that can be neither proved nor unproved accumulated, more and
more living space is leaven to the nonmainstream areas. For example, the
existence of soul is still an outstanding question. But in the eyes of psychic,
the conclusion is very clear and certain. So, even in contemporary society,
nonmainstream areas still have their own reservation.


In fact,
many nonmainstream areas are not sciences, but they still play an important
role at the margin of the mainstream science. On one hand, nonmainstream areas
fill the gap between the questions which cannot been explained by mainstream
sciences and the human's desire of knowing. As too many unknown things make
people feel powerless, anxiety even afraid, having an explanation for
those mysteries is a comfort to people. Nonmainstream areas' conclusion may be
subjective or unsound, but it really satisfies the need of human's curiosity
and nature. On the other hand, nonmainstream areas satisfied the anti-science
mood inside human mind at some level. Many mainstream sciences' conclusions are
impersonal, cold and cruel. It's difficult to accept sometimes. Astronomy tell
us that stars are just big rock balls or huge flame balls and have little thing
to do with us. But astrology encourage us talk with the constellation which we
are belong to.


As a result
of history's advancing, mainstream sciences and nonmainstream areas both
construct our system of awareness. When we face a problem or a strange phenomenon,
we firstly come to mainstream sciences and try to dig out the truth of everything.
When the first one keep silent, most of us may turn to the nonmainstream areas
to seek for a comfort or more personal answer. Mainstream science is pragmatic
and powerful, but nonmainstream areas just stand behind it and provide another
choice. At the current level of awareness ability of human, we should use
mainstream sciences as a main tool and do not discard nonmainstream areas.
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