GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:帝江
Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE33"Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image"。题目实际上要讨论的话题是在当代社会环境中,表象和本质哪个更加重要,无论你选择的观点是“创造表象比挖掘本质哪个更重要”还是“表象和本质哪个更重要”。论证过程中可以分析有吸引力的表象和其本质之间的关系,阐述其中一个比另外一个重要的原因。
1. 描述一个你所知道的“表里不一”的现象,尤其是表象看起来很好,而实际不那么好的例子。
回答: a
2. 人们给包装某个人或者事情,让其具有吸引人的表象,目的有可能是什么?请举例说明。
回答: a
3. 大众在认知人或者事时,表象和本质分别会对其产生什么影响?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: a
4. 人们在什么时候会揭露现实和真相,这样做会有什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: a
An appealing image, doubtlessly, could effeticely attract people's attention and is even able to foreground oneself to the spotlight of the public as a whole. Thus, more ane more people are struggling to forge an appealing image, no matter whether they are really that appealing in reality. However, if one's intrinsic merits deviate from his/her ostensible outlook too greatly, people will be more easily to debunk the truth behind your fake appearance. Therefore, whether an appealing image is of greater importance than the reality behind that warrants fruther analysis.
With no doubt, everyone wants to have an appealing image, an image that could be attractive enough to grasp others' attention. With an appealing image, one could easily gain the trust from others. When you are looking for a job, for example, your glomorous appealing might be able to help you win the positon you want. It's the same when applied to political field. Suppose you are a politician, when you want to compete for the, saying, president, you have to try your best to creat an appealing image in the eyes of those voters. Once an attractive and charismatic image has been successfully created, you are one step closer to the triumph. On the contrary, if you care little about your image and do nothing to hide your shortcomings and even scandals from the coverage of the media, your image is too fragile to be break and would eventually result in your failure. Actually, in the real world, most politicians are doing their best to conceal the flaws and fallacies inherit in their desposition and keep scandals from being disseminated. For if they don't do so, they're unlikely to succeed. Therefore, it's quite important for us to always maintain an appealing image, regardless of what are we doing or where we are.
However, it does't mean that those forged things are much more important than the truth behind. As we know, those you carefully contrived could only be able to hold their power temporarily. As people getting to know you, they would eventually find out the truth behind your seemly appealing image. If, for instance, you are a culpable criminal, and you still want to be elected as a major, the result would be that no matter how hard you try to disguise the injustice inherits in your soul, one day, your vandalism would be exposed to the public. And that's exactly the reason why scandals would always been disclosed even those politicians are trying their best to prevent that from happening. Just like an old saying, paper could never hold back the fire. Those we contrived to make will gradually lost their power, and what you've tried to hide will eventually been exposed completely. Thus, the truth behind the appealing image is of at least equal importance, since they could ultimatly determine your fate and future.
To sum up, it's apparently important for us to learn the art of disguise in order to get an advantage in the competition with others; but equally important is that we have to be enough aware of our intrinsic merits and try our best to improve and eliminate those flaws that we want to hide. Only when the disecrepancy between the truth and the forged sumptuous image is minimized could we finally savor the triumpth of our own. 
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