GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:HiramJay
In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请列举任意三项伟大贡献或成就,并分析这些贡献和其所属领域中的过去成就之间有哪些联系。
回答: ●1、自然科学领域 Inheriting Copernicus' achievment, Galileo, a scientist who inducted experimental method into scientific researches, invented telescope, which made people learn that the earth is not the center of universe. After many years, on the basis of Galileo's contribution, Newton founded the Law of Gravity, which explains the law of motion. Newton once claimed that If I have seen farther than others, that is because I stand on the shoulders of giants. The giants he referred to is the very knowledge in the field of physics accumulated by prior physicists, which helped him to achieve his systematic law of classical physics. 2 、在社会科学领域 Aristotle, a famous philosopher, was believed by Greek citizens to know everything at that time. But where did the wisdom of Aristotle come from? One can find that Aristotle was a student of Plato's and many achievements of Aristotle were inherited, more or less, from Plato. What is more, most of the knowledge and wisdom of Plato came from Socrates, the teacher of Plato, also a famous Greek thinker. ● 经济学领域的经济增长理论的创立,这些理论都基于之前的经济学发展的理论比如凯恩斯的宏观经济学(Keynesian economics),该影响方面包括Parameter的选取,和公式的变化. 流水线的开展是基于分工理论Adam Smith的分工理论.(foresaw the essence of industrialism by determining that division of labour represents a qualitative increase in productivity. His example was the making of pins.)流水线正是工人之间的分工. Galileo Galilei与Aristotle关于feel fall的研究,互不相通的理论,研究同样的现象,通过提出矛盾,从而得出正确的结论.
2. 是否存在这样的情况:某人从未没有涉足过某领域,但却作出了对该领域发展有重大意义的贡献?如果有,请举例并分析贡献是如何作出的,与哪些其他因素或人物相关。
回答: ●Planck, the famous physicist, graduated at age 17 and then first came in contact with the field of physics. Planck was gifted when it came to music. He took singing lessons and played piano, organ and cello, and composed songs and operas. However, instead of music he chose to study physics. Even his physics teacher advised him against going into physics, saying, "in this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes." However, he promoted Planck constant, Planck postulate and Planck's law of black body radiation in his physicist career and made great contribution to the newly discovered field of physics, quantum physics. Get rid of the dominance of traditional viewpoints and promote new ideas. ● planck,小时候是个具有极高音乐天赋天才,17岁选择学习物理学,开启了物理学的新世界,量子力学。他是在人们宣称物理学已经基本完善,而且他的老师告诫他,不可能在物理学中再有很突出的条件下,凭着自己对物理学的兴趣,最终提出了粒子的波粒二象性。引进了planck constant,开启了物理学新的大门。火药的发明。火药是中国汉族发明于隋唐时期,距今已有一千多年了。火药的研究开始于古代道家炼丹术,古人为求长生不老而炼制丹药。传入欧洲后,欧洲人约在13世纪时才懂得黑火药的作用,而经过数个世纪的发展与改良,主要是粒状火药和火帽等发明,黑火药兵器乃逐步取代冷兵器,在陆地战争战术、攻城筑城技术以及海军战列舰的发展和战术等各方面,造成革命性的影响
3. 在一个领域中的成就会对之后在该领域的发展以及行为和思考产生哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: ●positive: provide fundamental basis for the research field. eg.method of experiment with control group. 1中内容。negative: dominance of traditional views and disencouragement of innovation and new points may inhibit the development of any field. The progress of any field is a matter of subvertion or revise of traditional views. eg.Copernicus, subvert Aristotle's idea that ths sun is the center of the universe, rather than the earth. Galileo, questioned Aristotle's idea and proved that two balls with different weight may fall down to the ground at the same time from the same height, contributing to Newton's promotion of the Law of Gravity. ●会成为别人继续研究的基础,可是也会限制后来研究人的思路 e.g:Bayes/although strongly influenced by classic theory of statistics/create his own philosophy of statistics/which is totally different from the classic theory by introduce the prior distribution/but can't avoid to use the theory of probability as a basis. ● 影响:提供方向、突破难题的思维方法、技术支持。或是阻碍。对后人在该领域的研究起促进或阻碍作用。比如之前一些宗教界在当时认为宇宙的中心是地球,并认为太阳是静止不动的,这导致后人的阻碍了后人对天文学的研究,普遍认为以上的观点,即使发现这个观点有误,也不敢出面反驳这些错误的观点。当著名的科学家哥白尼 伽利略等人提出对立观点时都会受到强大的错误观点支持者的质疑,而遭受迫害。但也有为后人的研究提供帮助的成就,如达尔文的进化论为后人对人类进化方面的研究提供了很大的推动作用
4. 过去的成就对新贡献有哪些影响?这些影响是否是不可替代的?如果是,请说明原因;如果不是,请给出替代过去成就的事物。
回答: ●影响:是新的研究的框架,是不可替代的一个人在对某一领域完全不了解的时候,虽然有时可能会对这个领域偶然产生很大的贡献和影响,但是多数情况下都是建立在基础之上的,站在巨人的肩膀上学习和探究,虽然前人的研究并不一定是对的,但是却给了我们一个证实或证伪的基础,科学就是不断地进行证伪的过程。当然,被过去的成就影响不一定就是缺乏创新精神的表象,相反,可能正因为探索这些经典科学的时候才会发现新的成就,往往只有在经典的理论在实际中得不到检验或产生矛盾时,人们才会有动机去寻求新的解释方式,进而产生新的成就。例子:上世纪,苏联提出建立发展“社会主义自己的科学”,在经过一番尝试后,以失败告终 ●是新的研究的框架,是不可替代的一个人在对某一领域完全不了解的时候,虽然有时可能会对这个领域偶然产生很大的贡献和影响,但是多数情况下都是建立在基础之上的,站在巨人的肩膀上学习和探究,虽然前人的研究并不一定是对的,但是却给了我们一个证实或证伪的基础,科学就是不断地进行证伪的过程。当然,被过去的成就影响不一定就是缺乏创新精神的表象,相反,可能正因为探索这些经典科学的时候才会发现新的成就,往往只有在经典的理论在实际中得不到检验或产生矛盾时,人们才会有动机去寻求新的解释方式,进而产生新的成就。
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