TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-22】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
1. 结合实际,请简述你是如何理解责任感的。
回答: 责任感就是承诺,是承担,是一个人必须要负担的任务,认真做事,答应了别人的事情就一定要做到
2. 责任感对人们的工作生活有什么影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 当然有影响,工作中上司安排一个任务,如果不能按时完成就是没有责任感的表现,那么我们就会失去更多晋升的机会;在家里如果父母不对孩子负责,好好教育他们,告诉他们做人的道理,让孩子自生自灭,那么孩子长大后可能会成为社会的不安定因素,被社会抛弃
3. 孩子的心理特征有哪些呢?你觉得是否有必要让孩子了解责任感呢?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 孩子的心灵是纯洁的,就像一张白纸,他们没有接触世界的黑暗面,他们认为整个世界都是美好的,人都是善良的。培养孩子的责任感是很有必要的,对孩子的教育会影响一个人的一生,而小孩子的可塑性是最强的,有了错误指出来会改正的很快,等到大了,有叛逆心理了,再教育就晚了
4. 照料小动物需要做些什么呢?它和责任感有什么必然联系吗?孩子能否胜任这项任务呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 照顾小动物需要给小动物喂食,洗澡,清理排泄物,这和责任感是有联系的,孩子们比大人更加尊重小动物,他们认为小动物会思考、有感觉,所以会很用心的照顾它们,在这个过程中自然可以培养责任感,对小动物负责,让他们生活的舒适快乐,小孩子是可以胜任这项任务的
5. 培养孩子们的责任感除了照料小动物以外,还有其他的方法吗?请结合实际说明你选择其他方法的理由。
回答: 可以去敬老院照顾老人,帮父母做家务
thanks to the one-child policy, most of Chinese family have only one child. thus, parents pay much more attention on the education of their only child. they would build children's responsibility on purpose through different ways. parents will let them do house work, take care of little pets and company with old people. so many parents say that the best way to make the children learn about responsibility is to have them care for an animal. but i have an opposite opinion, taking care for an animal do make the children learn about responsibility, but maybe it isn't the best way.
what is responsibility? it is to undertake obligation, and do the things with the whole concentration. from my perspective, if you promise somebody to do something, you must try your best to finish it. that is responsibility which has great effect our works and lives. if your boss want you to do am important task and you promise it. but you don't do that not because you don't have the ability but due to your carelessness, what will your boss think about you? perhaps you won't have any good chance to get improved. if parents are not responsible for their children, let them who they are and don't correct their unsuitable manners, maybe the children will become the unstable factors who will be abandoned by the society. that will ruin the whole lives of the, for the reasons before, it is necessary for children to learn about responsibility. children is pure just like a piece of white paper. they haven't contact the dark side of the society. they think all the things in the world is beautiful and people are all kind. they believe the animal is like a person who is activated and can feel everything or everyone which are good to them. so taking care of an animal can help children learn about responsibility. they need to feed on the animal, bath it and clean them. when the animal is ill, they should take it to see the doctor. they will try their best to let the animal live a happy life. though it can do achieve the goal, taking care of an animal can not be regarded as the best way to have the children learn about responsibility. when the animal is ill, and if the kids are infected, what should parents do? so it is not the best. from my perspective, doing some housework and companying the old people will be the better way to have children learn about responsibility.     
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