TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-26】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for children to choose the jobs of their parents.
1. 请结合实际谈谈孩子们选择适合自己且利于自身发展的工作需要考虑哪些方面?
回答: 首先是兴趣,如果这一份工作自己不喜欢,那么赚钱再多,社会地位再高都不能给予人满足感和幸福感;其次是自己的专业知识,有些工作不是任何人都能做的,比如技术或者科学研究,这就需要有力的专业基础作为工具才能胜任这一项工作
2. 孩子们在选择工作时,是否一定需要考虑自己父母工作的性质和内容,为什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不需要,因为没有太大的关系,父母能够在工作上帮助的知识经验和社会阅历,无论做什么工作这些经验和阅历都是有用的,而且即使选择了和父母相同性质的工作,社会的飞速发展也不一定保证父母的关于工作的想法就能帮助到我们
3. 如果选择和父母类似的工作,是否会有利于孩子的发展,为什么?家长在其中会起到哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 没有必然影响,但若是孩子选择了与家长一样的职业,家长在其中肯定会有好的影响,比如在这个行业里需要哪些能力,需要结识哪些人,另外还可以将自己的一些经验告诉孩子
4. 请结合实例谈谈选择和父母不同工作的孩子们是不是更不容易成功?
回答: 不是。工作的选取在于自身而并不在于与父母的工作一样与否。如果父母的工作是自己不喜欢的,那么工作的时候毫无激情,没有创造力和进取心,是不可能成功的
5. 请结合具体事例简述,选择和父母相似的工作与否是不是和自身成功有着必然联系?
回答: 没有必然联系。首先,工作是否成功与父母没有关系,父母能交给我们的是经验,但是我们的经历确是需要自己去感悟的;其次,在职场中成功在于自己努力工作,即使经验不够,但年轻就是资本,随着时间的流逝,我们总会成为经验丰富的人,总能弥补自己的不足,做一个成功的人
i don't know when there is a phenomenon that some young people choose their jobs according to what their parents are majoring in. like a young man with two doctor parents who choose to be a doctor and work in the same hospital. they believe that their parent will help them a lot in their career, such as how to do some certain things and which person they need to know and what kind of ability they need to have to make them more competitive. but i stand against on the other side which most people think that young people should choose jobs only according to themselves like interest and major, rather than what job do their parents how to choose a job? first, ask yourself do i like it? if you don't like the job, then give it up, since even if it can bring you much more money, you won't be happy. and because you don't like it, you will do the job without any passion and creation which is important in a people's career. then how could you be successful? so interest may be a very essential factor when choosing a job. second, knowledge. i think it is the base for you to do a work better. let's take scientists as an example, if you don't have any idea of what physics is, how could you do sone research and become a physicist no matter how you're interested in physics? and doctor the same, i don't think there is anyone who want to rust you if you are not majoring in medicine care in your university.what is more, since choosing a job should depend on your interest and major, then whether successful in your career do has nothing to do with your parents' job. what your parents can help you is experience which are good to us. but as the development of the society, some old experience seem not so useful today. i am not saying that parents cannot have any influence in our work. i am saying that we must experience some events on our own and absorb the essence and discard the dregs. we are young, so why not make some mistakes and the correct them to let them teach us in our future? i like the song 'we are young', there is a sentence in it, tonight, we are young. so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun. yes, young is the most precious thing of us and we are allowed to make mistakes. that is true young people.there is no doubt that parents can give us a lot if we choose the same job as theirs. they can tell us what we still lack if we want to do a better job, and what aspect we need to sustain and what kind of people we must to get familiar with. but, however, choosing a job must follow our hearts, i appreciate my cousin whose mother is a very skilled doctor and she wish my cousin to be a doctor. if he does, he will have a bright future, the same hospital with my aunt, his mother can always help him in the hospital. but he refused, he want to be an engineering and he was majoring in communication. without any assistance from his parent, he is still successful, he is a PhD and study in Australia now. who says success is related to the help of parents?all in all, successful in career has nothing to do with our parents, what we must do is to work hard and be active and creative. 
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