TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:GDL-USTC
【IBT机经-11】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.
为了更好地理解题目,不妨把它划分为三个小单元“the effective leader(有效的领导者)”、“others(其他人)”、“part of a decision(决策的一部分)”,不难看出题目要讨论的是一名有效领导者的重要表现是让他人参与到决策中来。解决这个题目的突破点在于:1、了解一个有效的领导者应具备的重要素质;2、参与决策过程的人数多少和领导的有效与否之间的联系。
1. 请结合实际谈谈一个领导者应该具备哪些重要素质?其中,哪些素质决定了他(她)成为一名有效的领导者?
回答: 具有领导才能,有魄力,具有大局观,当然自身能力硬件条件也得过硬。 其中 具有大局观,有魄力,领导力强决定了其成为一名有效的领导者。
2. 请结合实际谈谈制定决策对于领导全局的重要地位是什么?一个科学合理的决策的制定应该考虑哪些因素?
回答: 是能起到一个统筹规划的作用,一个科学合理的决策制定应该考虑人事,经费,时效性等因素。
3. 让其他人参与到决策中来一定会提高领导的有效性吗?会不会因为参与人数的增加而延长决策的耗时,导致领导有效性的降低?请结合具体事例来简述。
回答: 会,比如我们大学时班里要规划出去春游时的具体活动细节,班长本着想考虑尽可能多的人的意见,结果就叫了相当多的人去参与活动的组织规划,结果人太多,意见太杂,使得最后的决策做得既耗时长,又没有效率。
4. 一名领导者的有效性还表现在其他哪些方面?有没有事例证明即使只有少数人在决策,该领导者仍然是有效力的呢?
回答: 还表现在在世纪问题面前敢于决策,不优柔寡断。
5. 请结合具体事例来说明共同参与到决策中来对于大家来说会有哪些影响呢?
回答: 首先会由于人多会消耗大家的大量时间,其次由于意见的不统一性和多样性会使得最后的决定的做出会比较困难。
The effective leader does not have to pay much attention to  make others feel  that they have been parts of a decision making.Obviously,the main work for the leader is to improve the  performance of the company ,and most people do not concentrate on what parts they can play in the process of decision making .Instead ,they are more likely to want to konw what benefits accquire  after the decision making. I do not agree with the statement that the effective leader should let others feel being parts of a decision making for several reasons .Firstly,it will have an bad impact on the effiency of the decision making if making decisions together.When there are plenty of people disscussing their opinions about a project ,too much imformationwill decrease the effiency of the decision making for the leaders.Secondly,the role leaders play in the decision making is to increase the income  after making the decision .After all,benefits is the most important thing that everyone concerns.because it will directly effect the life standard of everyone .Finally,if others don not be parts of the decision making ,it does not indicate that the leader is not effective .Doubtlessly,when the decision concerning the commerical secrets, it is impossible to let others take part in the decision making.Of course ,if the leader have the ability to let others feel being parts of the decision making when it does not influence the effiency of the decision making . we can conclude that the leader must be very effective because he konws  how to use the power of everyone to help himeself to finish the work .All in all,I think the main work for the leader is to improve the performance of the company instead of pay much attention to let others feel being parts of a decision.
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