TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:史慧亮
It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
1. 你在学习过程中更愿意看书还是更愿意听别人讲?为什么?
回答: 更愿意看书,因为书中的知识比别人讲的更系统,更具逻辑性,所以更容易理解!
2. 通过看书获得知识这种方式有什么好处?
回答: 方便:获取书的方式很多:图书馆,网络,书店等。 系统:书中的知识的构建是系统的,具有逻辑性的,所以容易理解。 客观准确:书中的知识客观性比听别人说的要强,且一般已经过很多事实证明,所以不会误导我们。
3. 你有没有不是通过看书,而是通过别人的经验来学习的经历?如果有,描述一次具体的过程。
回答: 学开车时,练习过弯道,有一个弯道比较大,大约90度,一开始总不知道从哪一点开始拐,需要转动方向盘几圈,后来教练告诉我,开始拐的地点,大概转几圈,保持大概的一个速度,练习几次后,过那个弯道就非常容易和熟练了。
4. 通过学习经验来获得知识有什么好处?
回答: 节省时间:别人的经验来自于实践总结,别人的碰到的障碍已经通过实践解决,方法在经验中,直接采用,能够让自己迅速解决碰到的障碍,节省了解决问题的时间。 降低失败的可能性:有些实践中犯了错误会导致失败,别人的经验可以告诉我们如何避免犯错误,那么也就降低了我们失败的可能性。
5. 除了这两种途径以外,你还能想到什么学习的途径?具体描述一个。
There is a public discussion today about which sources, experience and books, to obtain knowledge are more important. Some people argue that experience are more important, for which knowledge gained from it can be directly applied in our life. But, people who advocate books, on the other hand, argue that they are more important. As far as I am concerned, books is more important than experience for gaining knowledge, because they can be obtained more conveniently and the knowledge from them are more systematic.There are a number of reasons for my appreciation books for more important sources. First, books can be obtained from many ways, but experience can be only obtained from the specific people who have it.As a result, knowledge can be obtained from books more conveniently and quickly than that from experience.For example, last year, I have to use a software in my research, but I didn't use it. The situation is that, in my school, there is no one who can use this tool, so if I want to study how to use it from some who have has the ability to use it, I should go to other universities even other cities. It will obviously cost many time. But actually, I found easily several books  about how to use this software in my university library, and then two days later, I was pretty much good at using it. Consequently, books is more important than experience as they can be obtained more conveniently and quickly.Second, the knowledge gained from books is more systematic and so can be applied more pervasive as compared that from experience. As we know, the basic character of books is that they have a clear logic, and the knowledge in them often derive from series of similar problem. However, experience is often related to some specific conditions. So, knowledge from books can usually answer more questions than that from specific experience. For instance, if we want to know what time it is needed for a iron ball falling from a ten meters high tower, the result can be obtained from books and experience. we can use a physical law to calculate the time needed, and we can just ask a person who has recorded the time of such process earlier. But if we change the height from ten to twenty meters, then the physic law can also tell us how much time it is needed, but the person usually cannot.    When people appreciate the huge knowledge brought by books, isn't it necessary that they give some consideration to the aspects that the experience also has some advantages. For example, knowledge from experience usually can be applied directly in our life. If you want to learn how to drive a car, the best way is to hire a experienced driver to teach you, their experience can be used by you directly. But the driving instructions on the book are not so direct to be used in driving. Considering all the factors above, we may safely come to the conclusion that books are more important than experience as sources for obtaining knowledge, although experience can be more directly applied in some conditions.  
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