TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hemingxin
It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
1. 你在学习过程中更愿意看书还是更愿意听别人讲?为什么?
回答: 我更愿意听别人讲。因为当别人给我讲授知识的时候,我不可避免地会遇到一些问题或者不理解的地方,这时候我可以提出来让他给我解答。这样的学习方式效率更高。
2. 通过看书获得知识这种方式有什么好处?
回答: 书本的知识都是经过总结的精华。不受时间和地点的限制,只要我们想学,我们拿起书本就可以学。而且书本的东西更加系统和准确。
3. 你有没有不是通过看书,而是通过别人的经验来学习的经历?如果有,描述一次具体的过程。
回答: 有。我学习开车的时候没有通过书本,而且通过我父亲的经验来学习的。例如,在停车的时候,我爸爸告诉我如何停车并且停给我看。
4. 通过学习经验来获得知识有什么好处?
回答: 更加直接,更加容易被我们接受。交互性更强。
5. 除了这两种途径以外,你还能想到什么学习的途径?具体描述一个。
回答: 通过网络学习。例如,在准备TOEFL考试的过程中,我通过一个叫做Langlib的网站学习相关的知识并和同学们相互交流,我自己得到了很大的提高。
It is said that not everything that is learned is contained in books, is it true? Nowadays, this issue is concerned to a point where a wild discussion has been aroused. Some people argue that not everything that we learned is contained in books because we could learn them from the Internet or through an oral way. However, other people maintain that books contains all the things we have learnt.From my perspective, I prefer the former. Reasons go as follows.
Instead of books, we could learn what we want through practice. Myself is a prime example. When I was in high school, I intended to learn driving. Obviously, it is a common experience that we could hardly learn driving well if we only read those books about driving skills. Thus, I asked my father, who was an outstanding driver, for help. My father and I had several classes, he taught me not only the traffic rules but also the driving techniques to let me drive increasingly proficient. During the classes, I often made mistakes, instead of just punishing me, my father told me why I was wrong and how to correct them. With the help of my father, I ultimately had an understanding of driving with the desired end result.
Those who believe that we could learn from practice also argue that we could benefit a lot from communications because we could dismiss our questions and have a deeply discussion with the person we want to talk to. During the conversation, we could present our questions and doubts and then the person we talk might tell us the right answer. My classmate, Li, presented an interesting case for this. As a chemical student, Li was told to finish a task including math and economics knowledge. At first, he did not know how to deal with it. Fortunately, he met some people who had a great master of math and economics. They had several heated discussions and then Li succeeded in finishing that task with the surprising results.Therefore, we could learn from not only practice but also communications.
Admittedly, some minor advantages of learning from books are also apparent. It is no wonder that we could read books wherever and whenever we want. For instance, we could read books when we are having breakfast or preparing to go to sleep, and we could even make notes on the pages which is impossible when we have communications with others. So convenient is it that read books is the most favorable way for study. Manifestly, with books, we could learn a lot.
From what has been discussed above, I strongly believe that not everything is learned is contained in books. Although reading books is the favorable way for studying, we could also absorb what we want through practice and communications.
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