GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:史慧亮
To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE72"One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities"。题目讨论了解社会特征的问题,给出的方法是通过研究其主要城市。需要大家把“城市”、“社会”、“特征”几个概念都细化并且紧密结合。分析的时候需要注意以下三点: 1、本题很容易因为使用ARGUMENT中“个例不能代表整体”的观点而跑题。要注意,题目所说的是“社会最重要的特征”而不是状况。 2、不要把视角限定在城市的固定事物中,城市之中的商业、人物、活动等等都可以包括进来。 3、讨论“best”的时候可以通过对比等方式进行,要注意论述始终要和“主要城市”有联系,不要偏离论述核心。
1. 大城市和小城市以及乡村之间有什么共性和个性?
回答: 大城市和小城市以及乡村的共性:都是由人构成的,都是这个社会的文化的一部分,有着同样的语言,传统文化,历史背景,经济体制,政治格局。 大城市:人口最密集,商业发达,道路发达但交通工具也很多、容易拥堵,就业机会多,有很多博物馆、大型图书馆,电影院,公园,广场;人的受教育程度较高,文化多元;大气环境一般较差,工业,生活污染较严重;社会保障体系相对完善;夜生活比较丰富,治安压力大;房价贵。 小城市,次之;乡村,再次之
2. 哪些内容或者事物代表了一个社会的特征?其中哪些是不可替换的核心特征?请举例并简述。
回答: 经济:经济体制(社会主义市场经济,资本主义市场经济,计划经济);经济结构(国有,私营,集体;农业,工业,第三产业);经济发展速度(大城市,小城市,乡村);经济稳定性。 文化:传统与现代(京剧,陶瓷,书法,剪纸,古筝,诗歌,歌剧,博物馆,大家庭;流行音乐,网络文化,酒吧,KTV,电影院,汽车,快餐文化,现代传媒,小家庭);教育(大学,专科院校,培训机构,高中,小学)。 政治:民主程度,社会主义,资本主义;法治程度,官员素质 传统文化,经济发展水平,政治体制
3. 你印象里的大城市都有哪些特点?这些大城市展现了哪些内容是其他地方所不能展现的?可以结合北京、纽约、伦敦、巴黎等城市简单分析。
回答: 人口最密集,商业发达,道路发达但交通工具也很多(地铁)、容易拥堵,就业机会多,有很多博物馆、大型图书馆,电影院,公园,广场;人的受教育程度较高,文化多元;大气环境一般较差,工业,生活污染较严重;社会保障体系相对完善;夜生活比较丰富,治安压力大;房价贵。
4. 除了大城市,还可以从哪些内容上去了解一个社会的特征?请举例并简述。
回答: 教育:教育体制,普及程度,开放程度,教育水平 重大灾害事件的处理:美国飓风,汶川地震,7.23动车相撞
5. 在了解一个社会的过程中,对应上一问的各种方面,哪方面可以更简单得获得最多最新的信息?相比较而言,分析一个社会的主要城市是否是最有效的方法?
回答: 大城市好,信息全面,信息搜集方便,最新信息获取及时,所以是最有效的方法
The most important characteristics of a society are economy, culture and education. To understand these, studying its major cities is the best choice.
Firstly, the major cities' economical features are the best example of the economy of a society. For example, the economical characteristic of USA is "market economy" and extensive competition is very important characteristic. It is very convenient to collect examples to show the extensive competition in its major cities such as New York. To start with, the extensive competition is observable in shopping. In NY, if someone wants to buy clothes, thousands of clothing stores are throughout the city, often in a shopping mall, there are dozens of stores that are selling clothes. A buyer will compare many clothes in different stores before choosing the most favorable one. Moreover, the extensive competition is also noticeable in banks. a lot of famous banks, such as Citibank, HSBC, Morgan Stanley, are located in NY. The similar even same financial products created by these banks are so many that a customer has tens or hundreds of choices. To persuade the customer to buy their own products, these banks must compete with each other. In other aspects, such as theaters, hotels, restaurants and so on, the extensive competition is remarkably obvious in NY. Other major cities, such as Chicago and Los Angeles, have the same economical characteristic. So, obviously, to understand the economical features of a society, studying its major cities is the best choice.
Secondly, the most important cultural characteristics of a society can be found in its major cities. For instance, cultural diversity, the most important feature of Chinese society, can be easily found in its major cities: Beijing, Shanghai, etc. In Beijing, Beijing Opera, the Great Wall and the Forbidden City are the best examples of Chinese traditional culture;Beijing 798 Art zone,movies, POP Music, fashion shows belongs to Chinese modern or popular culture. Many western operas, symphonies, movies which can represent foreign culture are being performed every day. In other major cities, such as Shanghai and Suzhou, the traditional culture, popular culture and foreign culture are also presented simultaneously. So, obviously, to understand the cultural features of a society, studying its major cities is the best choice.
Finally, to study the educational features of a society, the best examples are its major cities too, for which the educational system of a major city is a miniature of the educational system of a society. For example, in Beijing, from usual schools such as kindergartens, elementary schools, junior and senior high schools to famous universities, colleges and some training schools which are rarely can be seen in small cities and countries, are all can be found in the city. According to a survey, there are nearly 800 different schools in Beijing. Other major cities such as Shanghai and Suzhou are similar to Beijing. So, obviously, to understand the educational features of a society, studying its major cities is the best choice.
To sum up, although it is not a good choice to study major cities for understanding some aspects of a society such as agriculture, it is the best choice to understand the most important characteristics of a society - competition in economy, cultural diversity and educational system.
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