TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:贺若彬
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。
回答: 我现在已经是一名大学生了,大二第二个学期的C#语言课给我的印象最深刻,在此之前我没有真正接触过计算机语言,这枚课程让我发现了自己在计算机编程方面的兴趣,并对我选择研究生方向产生的影响
2. 综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)
回答: 我在大学中,获得了知识,友谊。
3. 你有没有上过大学的朋友?你认为如果他们上大学的话,能得到什么改变?
4. 你认为中国的大学教育还存在什么问题?你有什么好的解决方案吗?
In the contemporary society, people continue to look for better ways to increase their competitiveness and to improve their life. University be believed to make contribution to this. It is a common experience in university or college that student can develope their intersting, enlarge their knowledge, and make new firends.In the university, students could take advantage of plenty of new class to achieve new interesting. Becasue before we entre the university, the area of research for us is limited,  so a lot of things we do not know and we cannot develope those things as our interesting. For instance, my interesting of compture language is coined as the C# class. Before this class, I know few about the compture language, and it is another word for me and I never believe that one day I can love it and reagrd it as the direction of my graduate, even without thinking.  It appears that the subject in the university allow me to have a wonderfoul interesting.The degree of university permit students to be more competitive in the looking for career. According to statistics, people who have had university have more chance to get a job than people who have not. It is no wonder that  the salary of university educated people is higher that peopel in low-education. The benefits of university can take place anywhere, whether in the carrer opportunity or about the salary. The university education could be able to make such a drastic change of the future job.It is a common experience in university that there exist a lot of firends form different countried and cities.  University makes it possible for students to do meet differnt people in one place. Differnet city and country is on behalf of the different culture. By contacting these different students, we can experience and enjoy different culture. Different culture can broaden our horizons, enlarge our knowledge. All of these experience can enrich our resume and our life.I concede that the university will cost our time and money,   
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