GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Ksda
The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
1. 你印象中的重大历史事件有哪些?这些事件中有哪些人给你的印象特别深刻?他们都起到了怎样的作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 秦王朝的灭亡, 以秦胜吴广之起义为标志, 作用...就是开启反抗之路吧.
2. 历史研究是否过度强调个人的作用?如果是,是什么原因导致的?会有什么后果?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 有可能, 后果是无法正确地解释历史走向, 呃, 没实例
3. forgotten groups是否直接或者间接参与了创造历史的进程?如果forgotten groups参与了创造历史的进程,那么对于这些事关历史进程中的重大事件,在哪些方面他们的贡献比较突出?贡献程度如何?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: f-groups必然会参与创造历史进程, 然而贡献却难以评判, e.g. 灭秦之路的开启最终应归结于秦王朝的暴政, 因为被忘却的劳苦大众都造反了,但是暴政的根源却在统治者,而统治者决策却又受其身边之人的影响 f-groups 的贡献根据这些人身份的不同而各有不同
4. Famous few对历史有哪些直接或者间接的影响?他们对于这些事关历史进程中的重大事件,在哪些方面他们的贡献比较突出?贡献程度如何?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 他们的决定在很多时候将直接影响历史走向,
5. forgotten groups和famous few之间的存在着什么关系?
回答: 互相影响...
In the study of history, we often emphasize the influence of individuals, and some people hold that we ignore the identities of some forgotten groups of people. To be honest, we do neglect the devotions of those forgotten groups, and however, I still think it reasonable and admirable sometimes.
First, history is a complex object, which is determined by a deluge of sides and hidden lines, so that it is hard to say whether the forgotten groups influence more than individuals or not on one historic event. In fact, we common people even do not have a direct and clear criterion to evaluate the influences. For example, the Qin Dynasty, an ancient dynasty of China, was finally destructed by its fierce policies which made common people have no space to live. Since those policies are made by the emperor of the dynasty, we contribute the destruction to the emperor without doubt, while no one can clarify what characters the forgotten ministers did. Hence, we find that both the few famous and the forgotten produce the history together.
Furthermore, describing the deeds of the few famous is briefer and clearer in restoring the truth of history than the influences of the forgotten groups. The famous individuals always play a role of leader in the trends of history, and the forgotten ones just seem to be a prerequisite or an executor to decisions of the famous few. Just considering the American Civil War, although the victory of the United States can be seen as a result of the desire to get the freedom of common people or a result of efforts of soldiers of US and followers of Lincoln, we still emphasize the leadership of President Lincoln, because his figure is almost visible in every historical turn of the Civil War. Therefore, notice that the reason why we study history is to restore historical truth in such a limited space, and the material we study from also has a limited length, and it is not incomprehensive that we select some facts to record and study and that we prefer individuals to forgotten groups in the study of history.
To summary up, though it is regretful to say that in the study of history, we ignore the identites of some forgotten groups, and no history is only constructed by individuals, I still hold that in historical study we should pay more attention to the influence of individuals.
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