TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 艺术表现在哪些方面?
回答: 音乐 绘画 舞蹈 建筑 服装 室内装潢 产品设计 海报 电影 戏剧
2. 投资艺术有什么好处?
回答: 1、提高孩子的素养 2、使人精神愉悦 3、教育 4、生活更加便利
3. 环保在哪些方面需要资金投入?
回答: 1、污水 2、二氧化碳排放 3、生活垃圾清理 4、保护野生动物 5、噪音
4. 投资环保有什么好处?
回答: 1、空气清新无噪音使人生活更舒适心情愉悦 2、避免很多疾病的传播,创造人类更好的生存环境
Nowadays, environment problem has been intensified by the rapid development of economy, and more and more people claimed that we should devote enough finance to protect our environment. Thus, I am inclined to subsidize the protection of environment. When we live in a clean atmosphere, we can enjoy great pleasure and promote   our mental and physical development. One manifest contribution of funding the protection of environment is making people aware of the importance of good environment to the development of our body and mental. The statistics from china authority indicates that those who live in a severe polluted place can not develop their body fully and most people  have lung disease. Even, many infants would die with inheritage of disease from their parents. However, the places dominated by healthy environment can attract a great deal of people living there and these residents have average long span of life. Their children would develop their mental and physcial more healthy and fully.Apart from the benefits of developing phycial and mental healthy, there are other advantages of financing the protection of our environment. For example, we can use those rubbish to generate electricity or put them into the place to produce gas which can be used as a source of cooking. For one thing, we reduce the amount of rubbish which will exert great harmness to people's lives. For another, the energy from those rubbish could save a lot of resources. For example, our city has adopted a new way to generate electricity by using
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