TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张小璇
Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 从某一具体方面来说,比如教育,我们从过去能学到什么?
回答: 学习研究过去的技术,使得现在的技术得到改进。还有过去的错误,现在改善。
2. 就现在而言,这方面还需要什么改变?
回答: 过去错误的方法现在需要改善
3. 那过去总结的经验教训对现在改进不足的地方有所启发吗?
回答: 有
4. 直接抛开过去,重新从现在开始,这一方面的发展会顺利吗?
回答: 不顺利。
The development of new technology need the experience from past.  I don't agree that someone think the past has no value for nowadays.  In this essay, I will use reasons and examples to support my opinion.  We can't leave our past behind if we want to make more success in nowadays and the future.
The first reason is that all things need a basical fundment which came from the past.  The past experiences is valuble for present's creation.  The efforts which were made by past people will help us make more efforts at prersent.  For example, Windows XP or Vista System which were use widely by large number of people is stem from the promotion on the Windows 95 or 98 System.  These old computer system give engineers new ideas from the comsumers. New system is able to make such a drastic change from old system.
Futher more, with the development of innovate things, there must be some difficulties come out.  At this time, the past problems will give us an important key to open the complex doors.  We prevent old problems happen again which make our work more effective.  Such as we create a senior airplane, we used to check old black box from primarilly aircraft which let us know what's wrong and adapt new technology.
At the same time, we can't copy past.  In different times, things are in different situation. Although the past experience is valuable for today's people, we can't let past scene happen again.  Of course there is no copy from past can be totally used in today.
From my experience, past time have value for present time.  I f we can use past experience effectively, we can create more value. 
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