TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张小璇
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你觉得大学应该给学生体育活动提供资金吗?如果应该,这些钱你觉得应该花在哪呢?
回答: 应该。建设足球场,篮球场,游泳馆。等等。还有就是提供私人教练。
2. 你觉得大学应该给图书馆提供资金吗?如果应该,这些钱你觉得应该花在哪呢?
回答: 应该。提供更多的书籍。还有良好的阅读环境。
3. 你觉得体育活动和图书馆会不会有一个需要花更多的钱呢?如果有,为什么?
回答: 体育活动。因为我们国家的体育教育比较薄弱。
4. 对学生而言,参加体育活动有什么好处?去图书馆又有什么好处?两者比较一下。
回答: 去参加体育活动能增强体质,培养兴趣。去图书馆可以增长知识。
As a college student, I eager that my college have a excellent playgrond and swimming pool. There have a belief in my mind that universities should give amout of mony to sports as much as libraries.  In order to relax body and mind, many students want to take sports after class. School leaders should not ignore the facilities of sports.
Firstly, taking sports can keep us physical healthy and let us feel energy to study. Reading just full of our mind, but sports can full of our physical need. Who can say physical need is not as important as mind need. When we feel reading is boring, just go outside to do some games, sunny let us feel world is also wonderful. Participating in sports should be encouraged by school teachers. Doing variety sports can keep us fitness and body balance. When I was a child, I didn't go to do excerises often, so I'm not tall. I regrate that did not do more sports than reading.
Secondly,Playing sports with friends is a good way to gain the spirit of teamwork. Ball games let us learn how to cooperate with each other. Group games can let us meet a lot of friends and learn how to communi cate in activities. No matter make friends or learn the importance of teamwork, sports give us a lot of chances to enjoy. Such as many successful businessmen invent friends or colleges play ball games on the weekends, this is really a good way to built their relationship.
At last but not least, sports center or gyms will be a impressed building in the compus. It will attract a lot of students apply this school. Nobody want to study in a college without playground and swimming pool. Good falicities used for sports games will absorb a lot of good students. There have a suvey, more than 90 percent of students will check the school facilities about sports playground before they applying. So colleges should pay amount of budget on sports and outdoor activities.
From a graduated student's view, I agree that school should spend money on sports as much as or more than libraries. Students can benifit a lot from sports activities. No only for health or fitness, but also for teamwork and competitive spirts.
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