GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本次改编自老GRE的ISSUE154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators"。题目讨论教育参与者范围的问题。在分析的过程中,可以从:父母、专业的教育人员在教育过程中分别的优势和不足、教育对二者的需要以及等父母参与到学校教育之后的理由等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家或学校的教育情况,对比分析这些教育中,家长的参与情况以及学生整体表现情况。
回答: 若只从资料和报道来看美国,相比中国,他们的教育中,家长参与的情况更多一些,在中国,家长参与学校工作的方式几乎只有两个形式,一个是家长会,一个是学生家长和教师私下的沟通,因此或许我们相比其他一些国家,缺少家长和学校沟通的便利平台. 学生的整体表现情况:中国应试教育为目标,并不要求太多能力,但是或许美国的孩子能力比较强,并且对事物有更多独立思考的能力
2. 父母可以通过哪些形式参与到学校教育中?请举例并简述。
回答: 参与的形式:家长会,教师家访,教师和家长的私下沟通,教师布置一些需要家长参与或者监督的任务给孩子
3. 父母的参与对于教育有哪些帮助和意义?请举例并简述。
回答: 帮助:孩子的父母对孩子的理解更多,或许能提供更有效的教育自己孩子的经验. 同时教师的精力有限,不可能完全照顾到所有的孩子,所以教师可以将指导孩子的任务部分交给家长,同时也是减轻自己的工作负担
4. 专业的教育者在进行教育的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 优势:提供更好的教育方法,更科学的教学规划,受到专业的训练,懂得如何和孩子沟通 不足:或许聘请这些专业的教师需要更多的代价,此外,即使是专家,精力也有限,教育难免不周到
5. 将教育仅交给专业的教育者是否存在不足?如果会,有哪些不足?如果不会,请说明理由。
回答: 存在不足:教育者需要了解每个孩子的特性,选择一个均衡的教学进度,这为教育带来困难,同时,教育者的精力是有限的,无法照顾到所有的孩子,教育者无法比父母更理解孩子,沟通存在障碍,或许需要孩子父母提供一些经验上的知识
In this competitive society, if the parents want their children to receive better education and fully develop their physical and mental ability, I think all the parents should actively participate in the process of children's learning and studying. Thus, the parents could have a better understanding about their children and schedule comprehesive plan for their offsprings. For one thing, the struggle between the generation could be reduce to a low degree, for another thing, the development of their children is very suitable for themselves.
In the first place, if all the parents are required to take part in the schooling of children, the gap between the parenst and children would become smaller. In the modern society, more and more families just have one child and sometime, if he has some annoying problems, he has nobody to complain and this depression would exert great bad influence on the development of children. If the parents engage more activities of the children, they could easily find the disturbed condition that happened on their children and provide an instant solution to thier offsprings, thus, the struggle between the generation would be weakened and they could have a harmious relationship. For another, when the gaps are narrowed, the children become more happier thich serve as an incentive for them to learn and study, therefore, the efficiency of the studying is promoted.
For another, if all the parents participate in the schooling of children, the ability to think creative can be strenghtened and the responsibility of the professional specilists would be reduced. Thus, the special teachers could find more shortcomes of the students and the parents have access to give their offspring more care and better attention. For example, in those nation that all parents involving the children's schoolings, the children are much easier to develop their critical thinking and other abilities such as painting, commincation, in that the children can receive more guides from the parents and professional teachers. If the parents could take an advantage to join the schoolings of their children, the children's ability could be greatly extended and expanded. So all the idea that the parents are acquired to volunteer time to their children's schooling is very reasonable. 
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