GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本次改编自老GRE的ISSUE154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators"。题目讨论教育参与者范围的问题。在分析的过程中,可以从:父母、专业的教育人员在教育过程中分别的优势和不足、教育对二者的需要以及等父母参与到学校教育之后的理由等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家或学校的教育情况,对比分析这些教育中,家长的参与情况以及学生整体表现情况。
回答: 美国家长教育孩子需要独立自强,给他们自己的空间和时间,由自己来解决问题,同时又善于和孩子沟通,彼此讨论,交换意见,更好的帮助孩子解决问题,关心孩子是否培养了某项能力。中国的家长更多的是干涉孩子的问题,要求孩子怎么做,而不是鼓励孩子独立完成任务,更关心孩子是否学到了什么知识技能,经常主动辅导孩子的功课,以此参与到学生教育中。美国学生表现出更强的独立思考和解决问题的能力,依赖别人的程度少,中国学生表现出基础知识掌握的比较扎实,但能力不行,更多的是依赖别人。
2. 父母可以通过哪些形式参与到学校教育中?请举例并简述。
回答: 父母可以通过参加学校举办的活动,比如讲座,运动会,联欢会等等,了解和学习学生在学校里的学习和生活情况,以及向学校反馈学生在家庭里的情况
3. 父母的参与对于教育有哪些帮助和意义?请举例并简述。
回答: 可以更好的帮助学生学习,培养学生处事的能力,起一定的引导作用。教育学生遇到问题要如何面对,采取什么样的态度和措施来解决问题。进一步了解孩子的性格特点,兴趣特长,着重培养学生的爱好,发挥他们的特长,帮助弥补学生的不足之处,并将情况反馈给学校,选择合适的教育方式来教育孩子,使学生更好地成长,更突出更全面。
4. 专业的教育者在进行教育的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 专业的教育者拥有专业的教育知识和经验,教育学生选择的方法更加科学,更加有效率。知道面对什么样的学生采取什么样的教育方式,来教育学生。但是专业的教育者毕竟有限,不可能对学校每个同学进行有特色的针对性教育,往往采用的是适合大部分学生的教育方式,导致一些同学不适应这种教育方式而难以接受。这时候就需要父母参与教育孩子,父母更了解孩子的性格特点,知道怎么教育孩子
5. 将教育仅交给专业的教育者是否存在不足?如果会,有哪些不足?如果不会,请说明理由。
回答: 是,专业的教育者在学校中是教育学生如何获得知识和技能,培养各方面的能力,而缺乏教育孩子怎么为人处事,而这些方面的教育需要父母的参与来完成孩子的教育。
There is a hot debate that wether all the parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools. Some people hold the positive idea, and the other do not agree on it. From my point of view, I support to the former people's opinion with my reasons as follows.
On the one hand, parents can play a important role in students' education, since they catalyze stduents to be mature. Since students' parents are the people who know the students most and who know which is the efficient way to choose matching their children's education. They can know their children's personality and weakness through the daily life by communication or watching the problem that their children face and how their children to deal with the problems. Depending on these, thus parents can give their children some advices about the problems or things and teach them how to face the problems they come across in the life. For example, when a child faces a difficulity, he only cry without any solutilons. His parents may tell him which is the right attitude to do the things. They suggest him to be calm, to search the method generally, and then there is the possibility that the question could be solved.
On the other hand, school educators though they are the occasional persons who knows how to teach students, they still have their disadvantages in education career. Since when they meet so many students, they must pick up the way that suit to most of students to teach, which results that there are some students not adaptable to this kind of educational style. Then they may lose the interest to study and even may hate to study. Also there is no time for the teacher to know every student's characteristics. Further more, schools are primary to teach students the knowledge and the method to gain knowledge, but have little time to teach students how to be a person and how to deal with the problem in their life. Therefore, the distinctive function of parents need to illustrate when the students live with them.
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