GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杨天放
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE202"Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise"和ISSUE190"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little"的综合。在分析的过程中,可以从领导人各种行为对于坚持原则和目标的需要、不同场合情况下坚持原则和目标与被公众意见影响的利弊、成为有影响力的领导与坚持原则和目标之间的关系、如何平衡坚定原则和受公众影响两方面,以及过度倾向其中一方面之后会造成的直接或间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体的某位有影响力的领导人分析:在其成为领导的过程中,对特定原则和目标的坚定不移起到了什么作用?
回答: Winston Churchill. His ability to remain consistently committed to defending UK and fighting against NAZI contributed to the final victory of the Second World War.
2. 请结合历史事实分析:是否有不屈从于大众意见的杰出领袖?他们这样做的原因是什么?
回答: There were many notable leaders who didn't yield to public opinion, because they were more insightful and thoughtful than most people, so their opinions, though correct, can not be accepted easily by public. But in order to achieve a long-term goal, those leaders chose to ignore public opinion and insisted on their own ideas.
3. 在哪些情况下,“坚持原则和目标”要比“被公众意见影响”对领导人更有意义?为什么?请举例并简述。
回答: When the principles and objectives are crucial for the improvement of the society and can be achieved without being harmful to public, remaining consistently to particular principles and objectives makes more sense than yielding to public opinions and abandon principles for the sake of compromise. For example, Mao...
4. 在哪些情况下,因为公众意见而让自己的原则和目标妥协让步反而会更重要?为什么?请举例并简述。
回答: When the cost of insisting on the politician's own principle is more than the gain of doing so. When the opinion of public is reasonable. E.g. Reform and open-up
5. 请结合其自身特点分析并列举:政治家有哪些职责,为了满足这些职责,政治家的行为会有哪些特殊性。
回答: Politicians have the responsibility to balance the interests of different groups. They also focus on long-term vision while keep stable of current circumstances. They seek support from public, yet they are responsible for better ideas above public. For the purpose of all these responsibilities, they often act oppositely in different occasion.
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
Should political leaders yield to public opinion and abandon their principle for the sake of compromise? Some people believe so, while others do not. Admittedly, politicians need to  care about public voice and make themselves likable by the public at certain circumstances. However, in my view a truly outstanding political leader makes himself effective largely depending on the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. 
I concede that on some occasions, it is beneficial for a political leader to yield to public. When standing together with most people in a society, it is easier for a politician to gain more support from public, and the support of public is the foundation of a politician's career. As we can see, when the president election of USA is around the corner, candidates from both Democratic and Republic start to post aggressive policies against China. They often acts differently form what they used to behave in public and abandon what their unique thoughts about the future relationship between the two countries. Though many people argued with anger that their candidates are politicos with duplicity, those levelheaded understand that that's just a strategy in order to win the election. Only in that way, a candidate could get enough support to enter the white house and do what he really wants to do.
Additionally, though politicians are well trained and more insightful in a number of cases, they need to hear what the people appeal and meet their needs. For example, when the political leader of Communist Party in Poland realized that it's not a good idea to hold the position, they yield to public and made the reform to embrace democracy and started to communicate with western countries. Though they lost power, they opened a new era of Poland, and people's living standards raised rapidly. In this case, the benefit of yielding to public is much more than committing to the "Goal of Communism". 
Aside from the provisos above, however, remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives is even more important factor in being an effective political leader. As a leader, a politician may consider a long-term plan for the next several years to boost certain crucial fields or attain breakthroughs that seems not so valuable at present but would be of great value in the future. Let's take the "IT High Way" plan for an example. The ex-president Bill Clinton decided to support this plan with a  high percentage of financial budget but people in USA at that time criticized him fiercely by doing such "meaningless" project. However, Clinton was right. This plan contributed to the boost of economy of America in the late 1990s and helped the establishment of the internet. 
Furthermore, a political leader with a strong faith towards a goal which is beneficial to the nation but difficult to realize, remaining consistently to that faith becomes extremely important for the politician to success. We could understand this by the example of Nelson Mandela. It's hard to imagine what South Africa could be if Mandela failed to insist his principle and objective towards a new South Africa. He won't be remembered if he yield to others and surrender to the authority in any day during the 27 years in prison. 
To sum up, though yielding to public may bring some support to the political leaders, these support cost much, leaving the politician a relatively bad fame of duplicity. On the other hand, by remaining principles and objectives that are meaningful, a political leader becomes truly notable and could be more productive and contribute more to the society. 

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