TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:metalstone
It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.
1. 你现在呆的社区有几所高中?它们满足当地的教育需求吗?
2. 新建高中有什么好处和不好的地方?
3. 如果把新高中建在其它的地方,跟建在你的社区比起来,后者有什么优势?
With the increasing study burden that university students obtain, more and more students try to find a way to solve controversy problems efficiently. Some of them think that talking by telephone is a wonderful solution. But this idea is strongly opposed by students who hold an opinion that e-mail is much more better than telephone in problem solving, especially controversy one. And I think the last one is more practical.
Using e-mail enable students cheak the problems in the time they want and give them enough time to reflect since controversy and upsetting problems are always difficult and hard to understand. Sometimes, students are not in the problem-solving mood, even if they get a phone from their classmates who want to discuss the problems with them, the answer they can convey may not be correct. On the other hand, cheaking by e-mail provides students with the possibility of choosing the proper time and thus leads to a good environment and situation to solve the problems. Moreover, because the comprehension of controversy problems, which is always of great hard, will causes lots of time, students need time to reflect the problems in order to give an valuable answer, which will definitely increase the efficiency of students' learning.
The advantageous aspect in timing is significant, but what is more impressive of the advantage of e-mail is that it can help students finishing the problem conveniently and easily as it can send picture to others. Most comtroversy problems have many difficulty in expressing and students cannot convey the explicit idea by talking. But e-mail will surely make this possible. Once I had a problems which is too complicated for, so I called one of my friends who is very clever and good at this kind of problems to asked for some help. But I couldn't give him a clear discreption about the problems I had. Then he told me that I should send him an e-mail with the logical drawing. After he saw the e-mail he gave me the answer in no time. If I send him the e-mail at the very beginning, not only can I save a large amount of time, but also the discussing will be more easy.\
Even though the enormous advantanges of e-mail are helpful, the advantages of telephone cannot be left out. Telephone allow students communicate with their classmates in anytime and anyplace, which may also save some time and gain the answer in time. If a students in a empty classroom without internet, telephone call in the only way he can get contact with others, so he needn't spend time in the way of going home. What's more, if a students need the answer immediately, using e-mail maybe the last way he want to use. So, what we can summerize from the assumaption above, telephone sometimes is better then e-mail.
To sum up, contrast the vastly advantages of e-mail in controversy problems accomplishing with that of telephone, no one will deny the truth that, if any one wants wonderful grades and deep reflection about the problems, the e-mail is much more outweigh the telephone.
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