GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:赵天龙Mamba
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE202"Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise"和ISSUE190"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little"的综合。在分析的过程中,可以从领导人各种行为对于坚持原则和目标的需要、不同场合情况下坚持原则和目标与被公众意见影响的利弊、成为有影响力的领导与坚持原则和目标之间的关系、如何平衡坚定原则和受公众影响两方面,以及过度倾向其中一方面之后会造成的直接或间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体的某位有影响力的领导人分析:在其成为领导的过程中,对特定原则和目标的坚定不移起到了什么作用?
回答: 邓小平,从1978年起,在中国搞改革开放,坚持自己的目标和特定原则,让中国的经济腾飞(飞速发展),在这个过程中,力排众议,坚持走以经济建设为中心的路线,最后取得了耀眼的成绩。 毛泽东,坚持走农村包围城市的路线,先解放农村,将农民团结起来,最后打败了所有的困难,最后取得了革命的胜利。林肯先生;解放黑奴以及南北的统一;这两点贯彻了其一生,在领导中使其赢得了民众的信赖
2. 请结合历史事实分析:是否有不屈从于大众意见的杰出领袖?他们这样做的原因是什么?
3. 在哪些情况下,“坚持原则和目标”要比“被公众意见影响”对领导人更有意义?为什么?请举例并简述。
4. 在哪些情况下,因为公众意见而让自己的原则和目标妥协让步反而会更重要?为什么?请举例并简述。
5. 请结合其自身特点分析并列举:政治家有哪些职责,为了满足这些职责,政治家的行为会有哪些特殊性。

When facing choice between principle and public opinions,which to select often becomes a dilemma for presidents.In my view,in order to become the most effective political leaders,both of them cannot be given up,and the leaders must find out a balanced point between them.
Firstly,to decide which should a lead gives priority to when he solves problems,we should make it clear what the mainly responsibilities of a political leader.In country,he or she should resolve problems among different parts of the nation,help develop the society,and make sure that most proportion of all residences are living under satisfactory;in nationality,a president must protect the dignity of his country,take part in all kinds of diplomatic activities and keep well images of the nation.In fact,there is not a single affair that a president can deal with only by his personal principle or according to the public's opinions.What he should do is to decide the advantages of which side outweighs the other.
On the one hand,the reason why an individual can become a leader is that he or she has excellent abilities that most of us have not,such as forsight,insight,leadship and so on.Also,through years of addressing political affairs,he or she has much more experiences than most of us.So,there are a variety of problems that we residences have different opinions with leaders because we cannot see them as deeply as leaders.For example,in 1970's China,the President DengXiaoping's policy of reforming and opening faced a great many views of opposition,because China was just revived from the failure of the Great Cultural Revolution and the economiy was in down turn.Many other leaders suggested that the main goal should be solve the inadequate food.However,the President Deng insisted on opening GuangDong and FuJian Province and gave priority to businessmen to develop economy.During the two decades,there was huge change in China.Without Deng's insistance on reforming and opening,there is no such prosper in China.especially in Guangdong and Fujian province.
On the other hand,residences choose a leader because they believe that he or she will represent their hope ,protect their rights and give them better lives.However,if a president just keep his or her personal consideration,we cannot believe such leader can represent our wills.So,there are some circumstances that a leader must listen to the public's opinions.This year,when an accident that the two motor cars crashed in Wenzhou happened,resulted in more than 30 passengers lost their lives.The residences in the whole country got so angry that they asked a reasonable explannation.Though the Premier WenJiabao,a sixty-five year old people,had been sick for more than a week,he went to the hospital and faced suspicion of the relatives of victims.In the end,he agreed to compensate the loss of every families,made appologies to everyone and promised to investigate the whole affair.
Finally,it is concluded that without principle,a president will lose his or her authority while ignoring public's opinions,he or she will lose trust of the public.Both of authority and trust is of vital importance for a political leader,so the leader must keep well-balance on this point.
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