GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:赵天龙Mamba
Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题类似于老GRE的ISSUE121"At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species"。题目并不是要你阐述人类活动是否影响了物种灭绝,而是要阐述人类是否应该花费大量的人力物力来拯救濒危物种。因此,你可以考虑“无论是否是人类活动影响了物种灭绝,我们都应该(不应该)……”这样的思路。
1. 你知道哪些濒危物种?如果他们灭绝,会对人类造成影响么?如果会,那么是什么影响?
回答: 这些物种所在的食物链被破坏,从而使得生态系统的稳定性受到威胁,人类生存环境的稳定性势必受到威胁;同时,一些依靠这些物种开展的工业和医药业研究,也将受到影响,那么也会削弱人类经济的发展;而且有些物种可能已经在地球上存活树千、数万年,他们见证了人类社会的发展与成长,这种永远的消失,也意味一种文化的消亡。
2. 在网上查查看,人类为了保护某种濒危物种,大约需要花费多少人力物力?给出具体的数据和例子。
回答: 人类为了保护濒危物种,每年都要投入大量的人力和物力。比如,中国的国宝大熊猫,已受到了世界人民的保护,每年的投入更是惊人。如:美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大动物园,1999年获赠中国的两只大熊猫,据相关报道了解到,为保护这这对大熊猫在美国的正常生活,每年动物园都要在其日常起居上投入数百万美元,并且需要安排5人左右照顾它们和5人左右进行竹子的采集等
3. 物种灭绝会带来哪些问题,这些问题有什么解决方案?是否需要花费大量的人力和物力?
回答: 物种灭绝是生物基因库的巨大损失,直接影响人类的生产、生活和自然界的生态平衡。物种的灭绝可能因为食物链的破坏,使生态系统稳定性被打乱,从而使人类生存环境的稳定性受到威胁;同时,因为一些物种的灭绝可能影响到相关工业和医药业的发展,制约人类某些方面的经济发展;由于有些物种已存活了数千、数万年,它们的灭绝,也是自然文化方面的一种损失。这些问题,可能因为物种在地球上永远的消失,而并没有行之有效的解决方法,人们能做的只是通过一些补救的方法,将影响降到最低。所以,面对物种灭绝带来的一系列重大问题,花费大量的人力和物力是很有必要的。
4. 如果把拯救濒危物种的钱和人力等花在别的地方,你认为可以对人类做出哪些贡献?尤其是,这些贡献是否可以消除物种灭绝带来的影响?
回答: 做出很大的贡献,比如促进经济的增长,提高国民的综合素质,但是这些都不可消除物种灭绝带来的影响。物种具有不可替代性。
5. 人类的拯救行为效果如何?请举例说明。
回答: 人类通过颁布相关动植物保护法,建立动物自然保护区、植物园,投入大规模保护濒危物种的宣传和教育,已使大量濒危物种得到保护,其中许多动植物已在人工作用下成功繁育,从而使得濒危物种在数量上的减少得到一定的控制。比如:美国对于曾一度濒临灭绝的国鸟——秃头鹰的保护就是十分有效的。由于人为和自然的原因,1978年时秃头鹰似乎已走向灭绝的边缘,不过经美国民众以及各种组织近40年的保护,现在的秃头鹰已不再是濒危物种
       Our unique earth is beautiful due to various sorts of creatures,which constitute the richness of the biosphere.Unfortunately,the species are becoming increasingly endangered ever since the industrialization.And imagine one day,there are merely human beings left on earth.What a bleak scene that would be!So as far as I'm concerned,we should take pains to save endangered species whether or not the reason for extinction is hunam activities.
        As is seen to all,unwillingly,the circumstance we live in is getting worse for many factors.Apparently,human activities is one of them.Some companies,in order to maximize their profits,exessively plunder the source from our nature.Consequently,plantations and forests are violated and some precious species are taken away roughly.leading an imbalance among biosphere.Meanwhile,the polution which is brought by inevitalbe process of industry,also result in severe even deadly damage to the whole environment.
       Nevertheless,we cannot emphasize more on the significance of the diversity of species.Direcly or indirecly,they have heavy influence on our daily life.Extinctions bring great damage to the gene bank.Additionally,imbalance caused by lack of species diminish the eco-stability.Human being as a member of the ecosystem,of course,would be impacted.
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