IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:sfcapital
Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but meanwhile are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe the journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?
1. 你看新闻和报纸时,相信上面所有的信息吗?为什么?
回答: Yes and no. It depends. Let's see, on the one hand, truth is always the soul of media. If all the reports are fake, there is no any opportunity for the media to survive in current fierce competition. Undertandably, they are likely to offer reports which are largely genuine for the sake of existence. On the other hand, you know, the press are subject to the laws and regulations. In most countries, the authorities place more or less restriction on the information propoganda. Therefore, some reports had to be massaged to cater for the governmental audit so that they were actually inconsistent with the fact. All in all, I suppose such coverages irrelevant with politics tend to be more believeable than those political reports.
2. 有的报道会迷惑人吗,比如?
回答: Surely. Some newspapers tend to exaggerate the news to attract their readers' attention, like amplifying the casualty in certain disaster deliberately. I concede that such behaviours may contribute to their circulation for the moment. Nevertheless, these fancy tricks are nothing less than trapping themselves in dire straits in the long term.
3. 造成错误报道的原因是什么?
回答: There are many factors resulting in misleading reports. 1.Journalists didn't grasp the accurate information 2.Journalists failed to authenticate the genuineness of the news. 3.Journalists were affected by some groups so that to deliberately do a fake report.
4. 你有没有崇拜的记者?他/她的哪些方面吸引了你?
回答: Yes, maybe Yanglan. I admire her as she is not only knowledgable to raise such smart questions for the interviewees, but also charitable to devote herself into charity.
5. 媒体界的反面例子反应出相关工作人员应该具备怎样的素质?
回答: 1.Journalists are supposed to be responsible for discovering the truth. 2.They should be knowledgable in order to analyze the news events objectively and widely. 3.They should be brave to confront with some threats received from those people who are reported due to their illegal activities by journalists.
In current society, news reports play a critical role in getting information. Nevertheless, some coverages are apparently erroneous and misleading due to certain factors.Instead of believing in the newspapers indiscriminately, citizens ought to accept the news critically and have their own reasonable judgement on these events. What is more, the press should seek out eligible journalists to write more objective and more believable coverages. There are many factors resulting in misleading reports. To begin with, journalists didn't grasp the accurate information. For instance, "Farmer" mineral product was reported as poor quality due to be inconsistent with the national mineral standard. As a matter of fact, this product has conformed to the provincial quality standard which is more stringent than the national one. Lack of understanding about the quality standard leads to the misrepresentative coverage. Besides, journalists failed to authenticate the genuineness of the news. Obviously, it is practically impossible to get first-hand information of all news events on the spot for the journalists. Consequently, a considerate proportion of news for any media come from the coverage of other organizations. In that case, some journalists took the reports in other media for granted and did not spend any time on confirming the authenticity of such coverage so that they made a mistake to offer some bogus news. Last but not least, journalists were affected by some groups so that to deliberately do a fake report. It is well illustrated by the fact that at times some journalists were threatened to modify or dismiss their current report for their security, since objective and detailed coverage of certain injustice activities are bound to damage the interest of those vested interests. Furthermore, it is not uncommon that some journalists are bribed by some companies to issue distorted reports to boast for their inferior goods. Admittedly, there is still a great deal of eligible reporters contributing to their press career. Accordingly, people are benefiting from these reporters' endeavour and revelling in the information age. Even so, it is well advised that the press is supposed to recruit more qualified journalists to perfect their news system. These acceptees are expected to be responsible for discovering the truth, be knowledgable in order to analyze the news events objectively and widely, be brave to confront with some threats. Only if the number of eligible reporters are increasingly stepping up can the press gain back their own reputation gradually. To conclude, it is conceded that part of the news is believable, nonetheless, a great deal of coverage requires people's own critically thinking to figure out the truth themselves. In addition, it is suggested that the press hire more responsible, knowledgeable and brave journalists as soon as possible.
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