TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:不忘初心_方得始终
If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你崇拜哪位名人?为什么?
回答: Steven Jobs. Because he founded the Apple company, and invent the mac, iPhone and iPad, which have changed our life a lot.
2. 你都了解他的哪些事情?
回答: He was the founder of the Apple, but he once had to leave it. When Apple was in crisis, he came back and helped it overcome the difficulties. After his coming, he public the favorite iPhone around the world, and now it's one of the most used phones all over the world. After the coming of iPhone, the appearance of our smart phone has changed absolutely, the screen is becoming bigger and bigger, and all touched. Change the world. Nothing id perfect, the logo lost a little.
3. 你还想了解他的哪些方面?
回答: What's the meaning of the lost part of apple?
4. 你对你问的问题有什么期许的答案?
回答: The philosophy of his life.
Everybody has a favorite star in his/her mind, maybe an important scientist, a big singer, an wealthy enterpernure, an famous althea, and so on. I also admire someone like everyone else, and he is well known, Steven Jobs. We all know his compony Apple, with his famous inventions. His life is full of success, as well as little faults. Even though we have heard a lot of stories about him, I still have a question unraveled. If I have the chance to meet him, I want to  ask what is the philosophy of the Apple logo? I think maybe It just like the life of Jobs, nothing is prefect, so he tried his best to looking forward.When he was young, he learned about computer all by himself, he opened the box and explored every comports carefully. Using his well knowledge of computer he tried to improve the quality of  hardware. Not only this, but his head is also full of interesting ideas, then he put them together, it came the mac system, and the first mac. His creation is not limited to a great computer, Jobs is also an successful businessman. Although he once had to leave his now company, but when it faced crisis, he came back, with his wisdom and his new design, a small thing which changed all the world, iPhone. It is not only the model of smart phone, but also of eloborty, such as the page index is in the right center of the screen, without 1mm difference distance to either side. As iPhone is becoming more and more popular, Apple is becoming stronger and stronger.However, the god is also admire his ingenience, and leave a pity for us that Jobs did not see the new iPhone before he left us forever because he neglected his health during hard work. But he also left his idea of "stay hungry, stay foolish" for us all. Never be accomplished with the good today, tomorrow will be better.Maybe all of these are all that I guess, but I still want to know why the apple lost a part? Does is really mean there is no endless on the way to the best?
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