TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘毅
If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你崇拜哪位名人?为什么?
回答: I worship Steve Jobs most. First of all, he is a perfectionist, just like me, but more stronger than me. I have trouble in making a choice between some unperfectable options but Steve Job even had trouble in selectiong furniture, which made his new room empty. Second,he never give up. Though he was abandoned by his own Apple, he still fighiting until one day that he became the leader od Apple again.Last, Steve had exceptional attitude to life. He always regarded every day as the last day in his life. I think this is the reason of his success. I want to make my dream come ture, so I think I should do like that too.
2. 你都了解他的哪些事情?
回答: Almost every know that with his lead, Apple invented iPad, iPhone and iTouch which are moust popular electronic facilities in the world. These things are simple but beatuful and powerful. People's life become easier and happier with them. Do you know who invented the beautiful font that we use today in computer? Steve Job did! He had ever had a calligraphy class in college. What he had learned from that class made him know how to design a beautiful font。
3. 你还想了解他的哪些方面?
回答: How did he survive the darkest time in life. What makes him strong? life always give us accidents. Sometime they are good forune, but most of time, people gains suffering. I'm frustrated when I was preparing IBT because I have never had a chnce to talk in english for quite a long time. The experience that Steve Jobs surmounted difficulties may can help me!
4. 你对你问的问题有什么期许的答案?
回答: I hope the answer of Steve Jobs could give me confidence. Confidence is the first step to success. My brother became the winner of swimming game in his shcool just because my mother always told him that he is the best. So I think the most thing I need now is confidence.
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