TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杨峙垒
【IBT机经-15】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
1. 什么叫做好的消费方式?衡量一种消费方式好与坏的标准是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: a
2. 你认为宠物消费是一种好的消费方式吗?如果是,为什么?如果不是,请说明理由。
回答: a
3. 宠物消费都包含哪些内容?这些消费数量大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: a
4. 一般来说,饲养宠物的人都具备哪些特点?宠物消费对他们来说负担会很大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: a
5. 在饲养宠物的同时,他们是否会有其他方式来消费呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: a
 A contraversial issue nowadays is that if there are an increasing number of people who love to get a pet accompanying with them. My answer is exactly yes for I'm just a pet lover who is keeping a dog at home.In my opinion, there are two main reasons for why keeping a pet is becoming more and more popular.
 The first reason is the gradually improved afording ability. The economy of all over the world has made a remarkable progress in last several decades. People are getting more and more wealthy and it comes that the focus of people in their daily life has changed from material level to mental level. They are perchasing more mental savor, in the other word. For example,  they will choose to spend money for food in past on watching a film in a cinema, or something else like that. And pets, a great supplemental factor to increasingly lonely life, are being more and more popular without any surprises. When I studied an lived in Chengdu, I could usually see old people going out for a walk with a dog. They even had a seat together and chatted watching their pets playing. It was really a harmony sence. 
 The other reason is the advantage of pets that they are easy to keep. Take my dog as an example. My mom bought my dog back at a cost of just 100 yuan. And we feed it with the rest part of our dinner every day. In this way, we've saved a great number of money which can be used on its possible diseases. Dogs and any other pets usually have a good adaptability that ensure them live as longer as possible without a superb environment. I believe this advantage make pets easily accepted by most families since not everyone would spend a huge part of their monthly budget on a pet.
 The two reasons illustrated above are the two most reliable ones among all the reasons for people feeding more and more pets. Although a bit ridiculous, they are interesting.
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