GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:max xue
We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.
1. 描述一件你通过别人学习到的事情或者东西,在这个学习过程中,这个人的观点和你一致还是不一致?
回答: 通过别人学习到, EQ对于成功甚至比IQ还重要
2. 你经常和人交流么?在交流过程中是否会有争论?在争论中,你学到了什么东西?请举例说明。
回答: 是,他山之石,可以攻玉
3. 如果有人和你因为某个问题发生分歧,你会感觉到有压力么?这种压力带给你了什么?请举例说明。
回答: 会。我会觉得很大的人际压力,认为我们两个的关系就要over了
4. 在讨论中,所有人意见一致有什么好处?有什么不好的地方?请举例说明。
回答: 有时并不是真的意见一致,只是表面和气罢了。就像中国的表决机器
5. 在讨论中如果出现了意见不一致的情况,有什么好处?有什么不好的地方?请举例说明,
回答: 这样可以可以看到我们自己观点的弊端
Learning is a holistic process that involves one's intellect, emotion, and volition. While other people's differing perspectives may benefit us by challenging what we've taken for granted, learning from those whose ideas who share may be more effective.
To begin with, contradiction from others may cause emotional filters that would inhibit learning. Examples abound as to how stress caused by disagreement would inhibit learning. Take the conflicts in the early years in the Chinese Communist Party for example. Miao did not learn from the differing viewpoints offered by his comrades, but rather he refused their viewpoints and even annihilated them. Their disagreement, rather than provide an open forum for learning, turned into a struggle to take sides, for very few circumstances would let people maintain their absolute neutrality and not to take things personally. Different viewpoints are often intermingled with personal interest, identity, and loyalty to one's team members. Theoretically, learning from dissenters might work, but not technically. As well illustrated in the movie "The King's Speech." George VI's speech impediment is caused by ill-treatment of his nanny and overachieving but mischievous brother. But his speech therapist, by helping him overcome all the unnecessary and even imagined stress, help him overcome his seeming inability to addresss a public audience, and successfully delivered many inspiring speeches to his people to resist the German bombing.
On the other hand, affinity in heart and mind in a team is the most conducive element for achieving mutual learning, and eventually success. For a learner during his formative years, he needs an environment in which he would have many like-minded and kind people to help him. In the 2007 award-winning movie, "Amazing Grace," William Wiberforce and his like-minded and like-hearted colleagues work together to achieve the humanly impossible task, the ceasing of the slave trade. Wiberfore's ability to overcome intimidating opponents in the parliament is not possible without the back-up of his peers. His posture in the parliament, however, is not a learning one, but a guarding one. 
Admittedly, one has a lot to learn from his/her opponents. Yet what one's opponents contribute is mostly to raise one's adversity quocient, not one's intelligence. Opposition may even harm one's emotional well-being.
In conclusion, one learns the best from like-minded comrades, not inimical opponents.
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