TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:empire009
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.
1. 你或者你认识的人家附近有没有大型工厂?如果有,描述一个具体的情况。
2. 你觉得家附近有个大型工厂,给你带来了什么好处?
3. 想想你家附近的工厂有没有给你的生活带来什么不便?
4. 如果不是社区附近建工厂,你认为是否有额外的好处或者不好的地方?具体阐述一个。
5. 国家在工厂选址的问题上应该考虑哪些因素?
A large factory is supposed to be built near our community. There is a growing awareness of the both possitive and negative effects that the construction plan brings to us. From my point of view, not to build the large factory is of more benefits.The first reason I want to put forward is that constructing a large factory will do harm to inhabitas who live in the community near by. If they set up the factory, the mechines working in it would make the neiborhood noisier and cause a polluted environment. In this way, old people and other people who are in a bad or weak health condition would not be able to have a good rest, consequently, they cannot live longer. Also, for those students living there, the construction of a large factory would influence their perfomance in school for they could hardly go to sleep because of the unbearable noise around them. In fact, everyone will be affected by disturbing sound and polluted air. Do we have to sacrify the health of a certain number of people to increase the employment rate?Second, since the community is no longer a suitable place for people to live, many of them would probably consider to move to somewhere they are not familiar with. It is not a wise idea to contribute to the growth in economy at an expenses of forcing people to leave their hometown. My uncle Tom once lived in a small but peaceful town which is in the north of our country, until some day, a large enterprise declared that they would set up a steel factory near his community. Since then, my uncle and his family were disturbed so much that they decided to go out of their hometown. Now, though he lives a better life than before, he cannot resist to think of his small town in which he was born and grew up. But everything has been gone.Though not to build up the factory have considerable benefits, the construction has a minor advantage. That is, in a sense, the facory can provide the opprtunities working in that factory, thus it will enhance the employment rate of people living around. And with the setting up of the factory, an increasing number of basic facilities such as markets, schools and hospitals will be set up soon after the need of them. However, we can certainly build up those facilities mentioned above without paying our health as money. Based upon the reasons I have already stated, I strongly hold my opinion.
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