TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:willspears
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.
1. 你或者你认识的人家附近有没有大型工厂?如果有,描述一个具体的情况。
回答: 我家的附近有大型的工厂,有一个车辆制造的工厂。
2. 你觉得家附近有个大型工厂,给你带来了什么好处?
回答: 家附近有大工厂可以增加就业机会,让人们有更稳定的工作。
3. 想想你家附近的工厂有没有给你的生活带来什么不便?
回答: 空气污染比较严重,上下班的时候交通状况都不是很好。
4. 如果不是社区附近建工厂,你认为是否有额外的好处或者不好的地方?具体阐述一个。
回答: 不是社区附近建工厂,额外的好处是小区的人变得丰富,业余生活更加的多姿多彩。
5. 国家在工厂选址的问题上应该考虑哪些因素?
回答: 国家在工厂选址应该考虑员工上下班的交通问题,工厂废物的排放问题。
Nowadays, living space is compressed little by little.Some factories have to be built nearby the community. It get start many discussion about the impact to the inhabitation. as far as i concerned, the factories should not be built near the community.the factory near the community is really disturb resident's personal life.the factory have to discharge waste gas, for which the factory can work normally. But the waste gas polluted the air near the community. people who live in there have to suffer from it. at the same time, there are many employee in the factory. when they get to or off the work , the traffic situation is really terrible. If residents want to get out, you must ready for the traffic jam. My community is a prime example of this situation. There are thousands of factories in northeast CHINA and a factory is near my community. I'm too afraid to open the window because of the polluted air.And among the 5-7pm, the traffic problem is much worse.And there is another problem. The entertain is really simple. the community's resident mixed up with many society people. But if it's near a factory, the consititue is really simple.The employee in the factory have the exactly same schedule and they may be get same job. Of course, there are not many entertainment activities to enjoy. My community is an exact example. there are few social activities in our community and the life in there is really boring. We just watch television or playing computer game.However, the factory near the community have many advantages. It provide many jobs for nearby inhabitant and make employee get up or off work much easier. Considering my own experience, I refuse to built up a factory near a  community.
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