TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:empire009
Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你正在念的(或是念过的)高中是否要求你们穿着统一的校服?你喜欢这样的做法吗?
回答: 要求。我觉得这种做法没什么不好,只要校服不是太难看就可以接受。如果太难看其实也没关系,反正大家都一样
2. 穿校服上学有什么好处和问题?
回答: 穿校服的好处是,每天不用花时间考虑穿什么衣服,也不用太花时间去买衣服,这样省下来不少时间可以干自己喜欢的事,比如听音乐、看书,也可以有更多的时间学习。 但是,有些校服质量很差,穿起来不舒服,这样很影响学生的在校的生活质量。而且学生时代正是追赶潮流和时尚的时候,穿校服会让有的人觉得自己的个性被束缚了,于是就会做出一些叛逆的事。另外,校服代表一个学校的形象,不同学校的学生会把校服当做攀比的手段,比如重点中学的学生就会经常穿着校服炫耀,非重点学校的学生一穿上校服就会很自卑。
3. 穿便服上学有什么好处和问题?
回答: 好处是能够穿自己喜欢的衣服,这样心情变好了,学习效率就会提高;坏处是,穿自己的衣服更容易反映出家庭环境的不同,有些人的衣服很时髦,有些人的衣服很过时,会导致校园内的攀比,不过出了校门,跟不同学校的学生就没有什么区别了。另外一个问题是,学生会花更多的时间和金钱在买衣服上面,这种时间的花销在某种程度上讲是不必要的,因为大部分学生的社交范围较小,也不需要出席各种场合(特殊家庭除外),所以高中阶段还是要注重性格和人格的塑造,多花时间读书,修身养性,像追赶潮流这种事情,等成熟了之后自然会有自己的想法和品味,那个时候的品味自然与高中时不一样。否则,20岁的审美观与16岁时的一样就很可笑了。
A considerable number of high schools demand their students wearing school uniforms to school. As students have increasingly concerned about their own exsistance, some of what force students to put on school uniforms have changed their mind. However, is it a wise decision to cancel the regulation? I am not a propernent. From my perspective, wearing the same clothes for high school students is of more benefits.The first reason I want to put forward is since there is no need to have various kinds of clothes, students can save a lot of time as well as money by not hanging in the shopping mall. As a result, they are able to have more time dealing with their schoolwork. The money saved by them surely can be used in other ways, such as going to see a movie with families, learning to play a new instrument, or traveling around somewhere. In this way, students would gain knowledge from the processes mentioned above. The money and time is used in an more approperate and worthy way than buying contemperoraryly fashionable clothes. If students were not purchasing so-called fashionable clothes now and in turn to make an investment on themselves, they would afford clothing with higher quality in the future.Another reason I am trying to convey is that it avoids improper comparision among students. Because some students come from a wealthy family, who was born with all the things they want, while others may have to worry about what they are going to eat for supper after lunch. If students were allowed to choose not to wear school uniforms, the rich would inevitably dress in red and green, while the poor would have to wear whatever their family can afford. Thus, the school is no longer a place for students to study and offer them the opportunities to change their lives, but a place to show off someone's golden family. It is not fair to make relatively poor students feel like they are inferior to whoever has a better financial condition. After all, it is out of character to add this unreasonable element to high school life.Though the advantages that wearing school uniforms in high school are numerous, we should not deny that giving students freedom to choose their own clothes has some slight advantages. For instance, their own clothes may be more comfortable for them. So students could have a positive mood when they are taking classes at school. It is good for their performance in classes. In sum, for high school students, it is more advantegeous to wear school unforms. Being students, their duty is to obtain more knowledge and improve themselves. Choosing their own clothes can be a distraction.
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